Анатолий Пашинин

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Грозовые ворота
War mini series in style of 9th company. Four episodes are focused on the company of 1st Lt. Alexander Doronin, that is detached to Northern Caucasus in 1990s. Group, which partly consist of young, unexperienced soldiers, is ordered to defend the Storm Gate. It is the target location of large armed group of Chechen warriors, that is preparing a devastating strike.


Jun 06, 2008
Alexandre Koltchak (1874 -1920) était officier de marine et océanographe, il a participé à plusieurs expéditions polaires pour l'Académie des Sciences de Russie, une île porte son nom. Après ses exploits militaires pendant la guerre russo-japonaise de 1904-1905, il participe à la rénovation de la flotte russe et est nommé vice-amiral en 1916. Après la Révolution d'octobre il devient ministre de la guerre du gouvernement anti-bolchevique créé à Omsk. En décembre 1918 (et donc après l'exécution de Nicolas II), il est nommé Commandant suprême de la Russie. En janvier 1920 il est livré aux bolcheviks et fusillé. Sa maîtresse, Anna Vassilievna Timiriova, qui avait 19 ans de moins que lui, lui a survécu 55 ans.
Преданный друг
Когда-то в юности Игорь и Миша были закадычными друзьями, вместе учились, вместе развлекались, и любовь у них тоже была одна на двоих... С Инной ребята подружились в институте. Красивая веселая девушка всюду была в сопровождении своих преданных кавалеров. Незаметно отношения неразлучной троицы превратились в любовный треугольник, оба парня были влюблены в Инну, а она – не знала, между кем выбрать. Ревность угрожала настоящей мужской дружбе, и ребята дали друг другу обещание: пожертвовать своей любовью во имя дружбы и никогда больше не видится с Инной. Высокопарным юношеским порывам не удалось сбыться. Окончив институт, Инна и в правду так и не "достучалась" в закрытые двери, Миша странным образом пропал, а Игорь, получив хорошую работу, отправился в другую страну, так и не встретившись с другом. Только спустя годы жизнь расставила все по своим местам.
The Fight Rules

The Fight Rules

Jan 26, 2017
Taras est un ancien espoir de la boxe. Suite à la mort de sa mère, il est obligé de participer à des combats illégaux pour survivre. Il va réussir à se faire un nom dans le milieu. Mais il va également s'y faire des ennemis, dont Skulsky, un puissant chef mafieux.


Jun 06, 2008
80th years of the 20th century. The country is embraced by the "struggle" for "perestroika" and "glasnost", in Afghanistan - the height of the war, where hundreds die eighteen-year-old boys. Their peers, Denis, have little impact on the social problems of an agitated country. A newly-made student at the Institute of Cinematography - in euphoria and wine hops ... One night he encounters a strange, mysterious stranger and falls in love with her until unconscious ... Soon Denis learns that the lover is married and older than he. Elizaveta Tenetska - a famous director, almost a legend, she is talented and bold with authority. On Denis's passion, she answers with the icy cold...


Feb 14, 2012
Masha Krapivina - is yet beautiful, and not that clever. She is just an ordinary girl, like thousands of her peers from different parts of the country, who risked to try to conquer Moscow and left their native country town.
Украдене щастя
The heroes of this film - Anna, Mikhailo and Mykola - are trying to find their happiness in difficult life circumstances. In a love triangle, passion is adjacent to betrayal, suffering is adjacent to sin, and forgiveness is adjacent to death. The heroes find themselves in a situation where happiness is simply impossible - it has been stolen from everyone.
Искатели приключений
Two brave friends, lovers of extreme sports, are overcome by crazy ideas. The first of them is a small aircraft pilot who performs dizzying pirouettes in the skies of the Moscow region, participates in exciting aerial battles, makes risky flights under a bridge, and lands on a highway. The second is a racer who participates in extreme survival races. Friends go to distant Thailand in search of treasure...
Грозовые ворота
Lieutenant Doronin and his troops are moved to a narrow mountain pass. The task seems simple: to defend the pass from the insurgents and not let them pass. But the 200 Russian soldiers do not expect that they will soon be facing 2000 Chechens ready for battle and will have to fight for bare survival.
Любовь на миллион
Folk wisdom says "in love, as in war, all means are good". But what if a man decides to cheat for the sake of the happiness of his beloved girl? Will wisdom work in this situation? Young teacher Marina is preparing for the wedding. Her fiance Volodya is a reliable and well-off person. Only life with him is too boring and predictable: as a former military man, everything is always planned in advance, calculated and laid out on the shelves.


Oct 30, 2009
The story of admiral Aleksandr Kolchak who remained faithful to his oath to the Russian Emperor and fought against the Bolshevik rule after the 1917 October Revolution.