Bradford Simonsen

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Feb 11, 2016
Avec ses quartiers comme la très chic Place du Sahara ou le glacial Toundraville, la métropole Zootopie, où ne vivent que des mammifères, est un melting pot où toutes les espèces cohabitent. Qu’on soit un énorme éléphant ou une minuscule musaraigne, tout le monde y a sa place. Mais quand l’optimiste agent Judy Hopps arrive en ville, elle découvre qu’être le premier lapin dans la police, au milieu d'animaux costauds, n’est pas si simple. Pour faire ses preuves, elle décide de résoudre une enquête, même si pour cela, elle doit faire équipe avec Nick Wilde, un renard beau parleur et roi de l’arnaque. Certaines séquences ou certains motifs lumineux clignotants sont susceptibles d'affecter les téléspectateurs photosensibles.
Ralph 2.0

Ralph 2.0

Nov 20, 2018
Ralph quitte l’univers des jeux d’arcade pour s’aventurer dans le monde sans limite d’Internet. La Toile va-t-elle résister à son légendaire talent de démolisseur ? Ralph et son amie Vanellope von Schweetz vont prendre tous les risques en s’aventurant dans l’univers foisonnant de l’Internet à la recherche d’une pièce de rechange pour réparer la borne de Sugar Rush, le jeu vidéo dans lequel vit Vanellope. Rapidement dépassés par le monde qui les entoure, ils vont devoir demander de l’aide aux habitants de l’Internet, les Netizens, afin de trouver leur chemin, et notamment à Yesss, l’algorithme principal, le cœur et l’âme du site créateur de tendances BuzzzTube et à Shank, pilote d’un jeu de course automobile en ligne époustouflant appelé Slaughter Race.


May 10, 2023
Jerry, an awkwardly plump hummingbird, desperately tries to fit in with his siblings. But more often than not, he only weighs them down, literally. After accidentally destroying the family nest, Jerry is exiled to an old dead tree, never to be seen or heard from again. Family always sticks together though. So when a hungry house cat attempts to turn his siblings into a three-course meal, Jerry must set his sorrows aside and be the bird he was born to be in order to save his family.
Les Nouveaux Héros

Les Nouveaux Héros

Oct 24, 2014
Jerry, an awkwardly plump hummingbird, desperately tries to fit in with his siblings. But more often than not, he only weighs them down, literally. After accidentally destroying the family nest, Jerry is exiled to an old dead tree, never to be seen or heard from again. Family always sticks together though. So when a hungry house cat attempts to turn his siblings into a three-course meal, Jerry must set his sorrows aside and be the bird he was born to be in order to save his family.


Feb 11, 2016
Jerry, an awkwardly plump hummingbird, desperately tries to fit in with his siblings. But more often than not, he only weighs them down, literally. After accidentally destroying the family nest, Jerry is exiled to an old dead tree, never to be seen or heard from again. Family always sticks together though. So when a hungry house cat attempts to turn his siblings into a three-course meal, Jerry must set his sorrows aside and be the bird he was born to be in order to save his family.
Ralph 2.0

Ralph 2.0

Nov 20, 2018
Jerry, an awkwardly plump hummingbird, desperately tries to fit in with his siblings. But more often than not, he only weighs them down, literally. After accidentally destroying the family nest, Jerry is exiled to an old dead tree, never to be seen or heard from again. Family always sticks together though. So when a hungry house cat attempts to turn his siblings into a three-course meal, Jerry must set his sorrows aside and be the bird he was born to be in order to save his family.


Sep 08, 2017
A film about empathy, and the struggle and distance someone may have to travel--against all odds--to find a better life.
Nous, toujours

Nous, toujours

Mar 03, 2021
A film about empathy, and the struggle and distance someone may have to travel--against all odds--to find a better life.

Jun 29, 2022

Retour dans la ville imaginaire de San Fransokyo, où l’imposant robot gonflable Baymax, compagnon de santé personnel, s’efforce d’accomplir sa mission : aider et soigner les gens.

Jun 29, 2022

Retour dans la ville imaginaire de San Fransokyo, où l’imposant robot gonflable Baymax, compagnon de santé personnel, s’efforce d’accomplir sa mission : aider et soigner les gens.