Alexandre Melo

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Pan pleure pas

Pan pleure pas

Jun 11, 2014
Trois folles histoires qui jouent avec les tabous contemporains et abordent les thèmes fétiches d’Abrantes : les rapports de force politiques, économiques, culturels, sexuels et sentimentaux entre le Nord et le Sud. Dans "Liberdade", un jeune homme souffrant d’impuissance sexuelle est bien décidé à braquer une pharmacie pour obtenir du Viagra. Dans "Taprobana", au XVIe siècle, le célèbre Camões batifole sous opium dans la jungle indienne en attendant que les autorités portugaises lui mettent la main dessus. Dans "Ennui ennui", en Afghanistan, Cléo, représentante de Bibliothèques sans Frontières, est kidnappée par un seigneur de guerre empoté contraint par sa mère à violer une jeune vierge...
O Segredo das Pedras Vivas
In an isolated village of the Alentejo region, a conflict arises. José Vitorino, one of the landowners of the region, rich in prehistoric monuments, wants to build a luxurious solarium in lands filled with ancient rocks, places of devotion and sacred rituals. Indifferent to the people’s protest, who believe in the magical powers of the stones and that the region’s drought is due to the rocks’ destruction, José Vitorino hires an architect to plan his new house. On christmas eve, in the middle of the winter solstice, a strange ceremony around a dolmen, once an altar for bloody sacrifices in more remote times, releases a harmful spell. A race against time to reverse the faulty charm begins.
Le Bassin de J. W.

Le Bassin de J. W.

Oct 29, 1997
Deux comédiens qui jouent dans « l'Inferno », pièce de Strindberg, les rôles de Dieu et de Lucifer, se retrouvent dans la vie réelle. Henrique, qui joue le rôle de Dieu, montre une obsession pour le déhanchement de John Wayne qu'il considère comme divin.
Porto Santo

Porto Santo

Aug 08, 1997
A technical problem aboard a transatlantic flight forces a plane to land in Porto Santo, the small island of Madeira's archipelago where, according to a legend, Christopher Columbus the 15th century navigator, lived for a while and entertained a sexual relationship with a widow and her nubile daughter. A girl photo journalist profits to stay the extra-needed days for repair, to visit the island - and eventually she'll become part of complex relationships among some of the secluded people of the island. Also, a yacht lost in the high seas in 1947 reappears from the misty horizon 50 years later - to unite Fanny and João, a contemporary navigator.


Jan 27, 2012
Gabriel Abrantes and Alexander Melo deconstruct the 1st section of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew as a playful, vibrant ode to bacchanalia, classicism and homoeroticism.
Det bli'r i familien

Det bli'r i familien

Nov 19, 1993
Jan thinks he is Swedish-Danish, but after his mother's death he discovers he was adopted. As his world begins to fall apart, he decides to find his birth parents. The hunt leads him to Portugal - in a taxi - where more surprises await him.
Julião Sarmento

Julião Sarmento

Jan 01, 1994
A documentary on one of the most important Portuguese Plastic Artists, with greatest International projection. Shown here are his techniques, themes, and obcessions developed for over two decades, as well as its ramifications into different supports such as Video, Photography, literature, taking the rare oportunity granted by a full retrospective of his work at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, including the works dispersed through International collections.


Jan 27, 2012
Gabriel Abrantes and Alexander Melo deconstruct the 1st section of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew as a playful, vibrant ode to bacchanalia, classicism and homoeroticism.