Iris Meredith

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Rio Grande Ranger

Rio Grande Ranger

Dec 11, 1936
Sayres and his outlaw gang operate out of a town just across the border and out of the jurisdiction of the Texas Rangers. Ranger Bob Allen is sent across the border where he poses as an outlaw hoping to lure the gang back into Texas. He gets into Sayres' gang displacing the gang boss but the disgruntled ex-boss is able to expose the hoax and Bob is made a prisoner.
The Kid Rides Again

The Kid Rides Again

Jan 27, 1943
Billy the Kid has been wrongfully arrested for robbing a train. In order to prove his innocence, the Kid breaks out of jail and hits the trail to search for the real robbers. Along the way, he discovers that an outlaw band has been impersonating upstanding ranchers.
Je suis la Loi

Je suis la Loi

Aug 25, 1938
Un financier complote pour devenir l'homme le plus riche du monde en mariant sa fille au fils d'un cheikh arabe.
Those High Grey Walls

Those High Grey Walls

Sep 21, 1939
Dr. MacAuley, a kindly, beloved country doctor, is sent to Fillmore Prison. His crime was for removing a bullet from a young man who was escaping from the police.
Convicted Woman

Convicted Woman

Jan 31, 1940
A reporter and a lawyer investigate a women's prison and help an inmate who does not belong there.
The Green Archer

The Green Archer

Oct 25, 1940
The struggle over the Bellamy estate ends with Michael Bellamy accused of murder and killed on the way to prison, while his brother Abel Bellamy takes control of the estate for his own nefarious plans.
Murder Is News

Murder Is News

Dec 17, 1937
A radio reporter does a story on the infidelity and divorce of a wealthy and powerful businessman. The man invites the reporter to his mansion for a chat, but when he gets there, he finds that the businessman has been murdered--and that now he himself is on the killer's hit list.
A Lawman Is Born

A Lawman Is Born

Jun 21, 1937
An outlaw falsely accused of murder realizes the only way to clear himself is to become a lawman.
The Gambling Terror

The Gambling Terror

Feb 15, 1937
Brett runs a protection racket for an unknown boss. When Jeff Hayes arrives and opens a gambling den, they try to shut him down. Unlike the others who have given in, he plans to fight back.
The Return of Wild Bill
When Matt Kilgore and his men frame and then hang an innocent man, Lige Saunders sends for his son Wild Bill Saunders who arrives to find his father shot by Matt's brother. When the brother is killed in his fight with Bill, Matt sends two fake Deputies to arrest Bill whom he then plans to hang. But Matt's sister, attracted to Bill, overhears the plan and rides for help.
First Offenders

First Offenders

Apr 12, 1939
A crusading and reform-minded District Attorney gives up his position in order to open establish a farm that gives juvenile delinquents and first-offenders a place to straighten out their lives before they reach the point of no return. He meets much resistance from various segments of the law and the citizens.
His Bridal Fright

His Bridal Fright

Jul 12, 1940
Charley writes to girls all over the world in order to get foreign postage stamps for his collection--but winds up with a passel of girls who think he's their fiance.
The Man from Sundown

The Man from Sundown

Jul 14, 1939
Le jeune éleveur Tom Kellogg est assassiné alors qu'il allait témoigner contre des hors-la-loi. En compagnie de Barbara Kellogg, la sœur de l'éleveur assassiné, le Texas ranger Larry Whelen piste les hors-la-loi jusqu'à leur repaire et envoie Barbara chercher de l'aide. Arrive alors une troupe de rangers auxquels se sont joint les éleveurs.
Outlaws of the Prairie
Dart Collins, un ranger dont les doigts ont été coupés par l'assassin de son père alors qu'il n'était qu'un enfant, n'en est pas moins un tireur émérite dont le cœur est plein d'amertume. Avec d'autres rangers,il est envoyé à Oro Grande pour détruire un gang de pilleurs de diligences et le hasard lui fait retrouver son tortionnaire.
The Cowboy Star

The Cowboy Star

Nov 20, 1936
Tired of being a cowboy movie star, Yorke quits the movies and buys a ranch so he can be a real cowboy. But just as in his films trouble arrives. This time it's bank robber Sampson and his two cronies.
Outpost of the Mounties
Beaumont, Kirby et Burke rackettent les trappeurs en leur faisant payer les provisions un prix exorbitant. Beaumont envisage de quitter ses comparses lorsque Larry Daniels lui demande des comptes et cela provoque une bagarre entre les deux hommes. Cela donne une idée à Burke. Il poignarde Beaumont avec le couteau perdu par Daniels, et le sergent Neal Crawford de la Police Montée arrête Larry pour meurtre. Les conclusions du procès ne sont pas du gout de Crawford qui prend un congé et mène sa propre enquête.
Thundering Frontier

Thundering Frontier

Dec 05, 1940
Carter Filmore dirige la banque locale avec son fils, Ed, tandis que son second fils, Jim, s'occupe du ranch familial. Carter a investit de grosses sommes dans la construction de la ligne télégraphique, et, pour s'en sortir, envisage de vendre le ranch, ce à quoi Jim s'oppose formellement. Ed en profite pour persuader le vieil homme de modifier le testament en son unique faveur et de déshériter Jim. Mais Carter meurt avant de refaire le testament, et Ed falsifie le document.
Texas Stampede

Texas Stampede

Feb 09, 1939
Toujours rancuniers envers les éleveurs de bovins, les éleveurs de moutons les empêchent de conduire leur bétail dans les plaines pour l'abreuver, alors qu'une terrible sécheresse a tarit tous les cours d'eau. Le shérif Tom Randall tente d'obtenir un accord pacifique, mais un éleveur de bovins, Wayne cameron, tire sur un sheepman, Abe Avery et le blesse grièvement. Tom conduit Wayne en prison, et sa sœur, Joan rompt ses fiançailles avec Tom. Le père de Wayne rassemble ses cowboys et assiège la prison.
Texas Stagecoach

Texas Stagecoach

May 23, 1940
The Kinkaids and the Harpers both run stage lines and are friendly competitors. Appleby is after the stage line and convinces the two owners to build a spur line to the same town. Then he has both projects sabotaged pitting the friends against each other and running them out of money.
West of the Santa Fe

West of the Santa Fe

Oct 02, 1938
Après que son père ai été assassiné par des voleurs de bétail, Madge Conway tente difficilement de diriger son ranch avec l'aide de son contremaitre, Bob. Le marshal des États-Unis Steve Lawlor décide de lui venir en aide en détruisant le gang de hors-la-loi. Se faisant passer pour un bandit en fuite, il acquiert la certitude de la culpabilité de Frank Parker, le banquier... (avec le groupe Son of the Pioneers pour la partition musicale)
Spoilers of the Range

Spoilers of the Range

Apr 26, 1939
Lobo Savage vole 50.000 dollars amassés par les éleveurs pour la construction d'un nouveau barrage. Il remet la somme au propriétaire du saloon, Cash fenton, lequel s'empresse de les prêter aux éleveurs qu'il a fait dévaliser et qui devront les rembourser sur la vente de leur bétail. Lobo se chargeant de les empêcher de rembourser en volant le bétail destiné à la vente. Le rancher Jeff Strong découvre les manigances de Fenton et, avec ses cowboys, engage une lutte sans merci contre lui et contre Lobo.
Trail of Vengeance

Trail of Vengeance

Mar 28, 1937
A la recherche de l'assassin de son frère, un éleveur, devenu en raison des circonstances un redoutable pistolèro, est obligé d'interrompre sa quête pour faire face à un banquier corrompu et à ses tueurs qui essaient de s'approprier son ranch.
Western Caravans

Western Caravans

Jun 14, 1939
Le shérif Jim Carson s'interpose entre une caravane de colons venus occuper les pâturages, et les éleveurs décidés à les garder pour leurs troupeaux. Jim réussit à réconcilier les deux camps, mais Mort Kolher rallume la guerre en faisant accuser le colon Matt Winters de vol.
Two-Fisted Rangers

Two-Fisted Rangers

Dec 13, 1939
Pour venger l'assassinat de son frère qui était shérif de Oak Valley, Thad Lawson vient enquêter en ville. Ses recherches lui permettent de découvrir le meurtrier, qui n'est autre que Jack Rand, le tout puissant despote de la ville. Thad trouve un appui chez Jordan Webster, l'éditeur du journal local, mais celui-ci est assassiné. Il engage alors une lutte sans merci contre Rand et son équipe de tueurs.
The Son of Davy Crockett
Le jeune Dave Crockett, descendant du fameux trappeur, et Cannonball sont sur la piste d'empoisonneurs d'eau et se retrouve dans un territoire connu sous le nom de bande de Yucca, qui, suite à une erreur de bornage, se retrouve hors des États-Unis et hors du territoire indien. Roy Canfield, président auto-proclamé de Yucca est déterminé à empêcher toute tentative des habitants pour se rattacher à l'Union.
Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act

Jan 17, 1941
On the day of his daughter's wedding, a good-natured construction worker (Henry Armetta) is suspected by his wife of being involved with another woman, wrongly implicates his company's boss as a racketeer, and is arrested by police for running a shakedown operation. Comedy.
Overland with Kit Carson
When Pegleg and his Black Raiders threaten the westward expansion of the United States, the government sends Kit Carson and David Brent to straighten things out.
The Rangers Take Over

The Rangers Take Over

Dec 25, 1942
Jim Steele spots Pete Dawson taking horses over the Mexico-Texas border, but Dawson has an alibi. A new group of recruits arrives at the Ranger station, among them Tex Wyatt, the son of Ranger Captain John Wyatt, whom he hasn't seen for many years. Captain Wyatt tells Tex that he is in the Rangers strictly on his own merit and there will be no favors played. He assigns Tex to pick up Dawson's trail, but orders that no arrest be made without proof.
Blazing Six Shooters

Blazing Six Shooters

Apr 10, 1940
The story revolves around a valuable silver deposit, located between two ranches. Villain Lash Bender cooks up a scheme to gain control of both ranches so that he may have a clear field to the silver lode.
Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail

Sep 08, 1938
In this western a traveling gun ends up in a small town and rescues an important rancher. Out of gratitude the rancher hires him to protect his land and cattle from his violent rival. It is revealed that the gunman is the son of the ruthless rival; he therefore, loses his job and finds himself entangled in the midst of a range war. He must eventually face his father when the bad guy takes over the only trail to the market.
Riders of Black River

Riders of Black River

Sep 23, 1939
Former Texas Ranger Wade Patterson (Starrett) returns to his home town, only to find that the territory is in the grip of cattle rustlers. For a while, it looks as though heroine Linda Holden (Meredith) is in cahoots with the bad guys, but Patterson quickly clears her name and takes on the crooks himself.
Louisiana Purchase

Louisiana Purchase

Dec 31, 1941
Beaucoup d'efforts sont faits pour compromettre un politicien, un sénateur connu pour être intègre.
The Taming of the West
When the marshal of the lawless town of Prairie Port is shot while trying to break up a saloon brawl, Wild Bill Saunders, a newcomer to town, rides in pursuit of Turkey, the marshal's assailant.
Cattle Raiders

Cattle Raiders

Feb 12, 1938
Tom Reynolds returns to find he is wanted for murder, his gun having been found at the scene. Tom suspects Munro and stages a fight to get a bullet from Monro's gun which he then sees matches the murder bullet. He gets his brother Steve to confess that he Monro forced him to rob the bank with his gun. But at Tom's trial, the bullets are ignored and when Steve fails to appear, Tom is found guilty.
The Thundering West

The Thundering West

Jan 12, 1939
Outlaws Dale and Tucson quit Wolf's gang. Just as the two are about to rob the stage, Wolf and his gang beat them to it. Dale breaks it up saving the money and this gets him appointed Sheriff. But Wolf shows up and threatening to expose Dale, forces him to let his gang rob the express office.
Law of the Plains

Law of the Plains

May 12, 1938
Rancher William Norton refuses to sell his cattle for half price, so saloon owner and gang leader Jim Fletcher, contrary to the orders from his secret boss Willard McGowan, the town banker, has his men rob and beat up Norton. Unknown to anyone, Marion, McGowan's adopted daughter is really the daughter of Norton, who disappeared as a young baby when she and her mother were passengers on a stagecoach held up by McGowan. Chuck Saunders, Norton's foreman, goes after the gang for robbing his boss and eventually uncovers the truth regarding Marion's heritage.