E.J. Peaker

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The Banker

The Banker

Dec 20, 1989
High-priced prostitutes are being systematically murdered, their corpses mutilated, and a bizarre South American symbol painted in blood is found at the scene. The cop investigating is out to solve the crime before his ex wife, a reporter, becomes the next victim.
Graduation Day

Graduation Day

May 01, 1981
Après le décès de Laura, alors qu'elle faisait un 100 mètres en sport, un tueur masqué commence à décimer l'entourage de la défunte...
Getting Away from It All
Two city couples decide to leave the hectic urban life and retreat to the country, but find that rural living isn't quite what they thought it would be.
The Four Deuces

The Four Deuces

Jul 03, 1975
This is a tongue-in-cheek crime melodrama that became a 'Late Late Show' fixture in the 1980s, according to the DVD sleeve, Jack Palance plays Vic Morono, a high-ranking Prohibition-era mobster with a weakness for women who is waging an ongoing war with rival hoodlum Chico Hamilton (Warren Berlinger). Vic falls for gorgeous blonde Wendy (Carol Lynley). The film's title refers to the name of his speakeasy, and to his gang, which consists of himself, Wendy, and a brace comic-relief hoodlums. The Four Deuces opens with cartoon credits, and attempts a stylish comic strip look. Expecting some wit upon seeing the name Don Martin in the credits will drive you stark raving nuts - this is not the cartoonist who worked for "Mad" magazine. Light bondage and female flesh scenes might have upped ratings for those 1980s "Late Late Show" airings. Perhaps most notable is the that Ms. Lynley and Mr. Berlinger worked much more memorably together in the stage and film versions of Blue Denim
Fire in the Night

Fire in the Night

Jan 01, 1986
When Terry rejects the son of the wealthiest and most powerful man in town, they start to make life difficult for her and her father.
Hello, Dolly !

Hello, Dolly !

Dec 12, 1969
L'adaptation d'une comédie musicale créée à Broadway. Dolly Levi, une marieuse professionnelle, tombe amoureuse d'un riche marchand, et tisse un réseau complexe de liens amoureux pour parvenir à ses fins.
Surviving Gilligan's Island: The Incredibly True Story of the Longest Three Hour Tour in History
A campy look at the making of the 1964-67 TV series, as told by stars Bob Denver, Dawn Wells and Russell Johnson, as well as in flashbacks (actors play the castaways). Bob/Gilligan: Jon Wellner. Dawn/Mary Ann: Samantha Harris. Tina/Ginger: Kristen Dalton. Alan/Skipper: Eric Allan Kramer. Russell/Professor: Michael Wiseman. Jim/Mr. Howell: Steve Vinovich. Natalie/Mrs. Howell: E.J. Peaker. Sherwood Schwartz: Aaron Lustig.
Private Road: No Trespassing
Stock car racer Brad Carlton (Greg Evigan) throws the Mishaw family into a tailspin the night heiress Helen Mishaw slams her car into his motorcycle. He gets romantically involved with Helen Milshaw (Mitzi Kapture), and helps multi-million dollar Milshaw Industries win a valuable government military contract. However, when Brad becomes the victim of sabotage and strange accidents, he realizes someone want to stop him cold - dead cold!
The All-American Boy

The All-American Boy

Oct 24, 1973
Vic "Bomber" Bealer is a handsome, manipulative boxer who aspires to something greater than the small-town life he knows in Texas. But, even when opportunities present themselves, Bealer is too restless and indecisive to take advantage. Despite being on the cusp of making the Olympic boxing team, his life is in total disarray as he juggles relationships with an old flame, a girl who's way too young for him, and a foul-mouthed trainer.
Disneyland Showtime

Disneyland Showtime

Mar 22, 1970
Performers visit Disneyland for the opening of The Haunted Mansion. When Donny Osmond gets lost, everyone goes searching, which gives the opportunity for a tour of the park.
Oscar & Félix

Oscar & Félix

Mar 07, 1975
Oscar et Félix, deux hommes divorcés très différents, partagent un appartement et passent leur temps à se disputer... et se marrer !
Ralph Super-héros

Ralph Super-héros

Mar 03, 1983
Des aliens confient à un professeur, Ralph Hinkley, un costume qui lui apporte des super-pouvoirs, afin qu'il fasse régner l'ordre et la justice sur Terre. Le costume, qui ne fonctionne qu'avec lui, lui apporte des pouvoirs tels que la capacité de voler, l'invulnérabilité et une force surhumaine. Mais l'apprentissage de ces nouvelles capacités ne se fait pas sans mal.
Action & Adventure
That Girl

That Girl

Mar 19, 1971
That Girl is an American sitcom that ran on ABC from 1966 to 1971. It stars Marlo Thomas as the title character Ann Marie, an aspiring actress, who moves from her hometown of Brewster, New York to try to make it big in New York City. Ann has to take a number of offbeat "temp" jobs to support herself in between her various auditions and bit parts. Ted Bessell played her boyfriend Donald Hollinger, a writer for Newsview Magazine; Lew Parker and Rosemary DeCamp played Lew Marie and Helen Marie, her concerned parents. Bernie Kopell, Ruth Buzzi and Reva Rose played Ann and Donald's friends. That Girl was developed by writers Bill Persky and Sam Denoff, who had served as head writers on The Dick Van Dyke Show earlier in the 1960s.


May 11, 1983
Médecin légiste, Quincy, aidé de son assistant Sam Fujiyama, est passionné par son travail. Il arrive souvent à une autre conclusion de la police.
Route 66

Route 66

Mar 20, 1964
Route 66 est une série télévisée américaine dans laquelle deux jeunes hommes ont parcouru l'Amérique dans une voiture de sport Chevrolet Corvette. L'émission a été diffusée chaque vendredi sur CBS du 7 octobre 1960 au 20 mars 1964. Elle mettait en vedette Martin Milner dans le rôle de Tod Stiles et, pendant les deux premières saisons et demie, George Maharis dans le rôle de Buz Murdock. Maharis a été malade pendant une grande partie de la troisième saison, période au cours de laquelle Tod a été montré voyageant seul. Tod a rencontré Lincoln Case, joué par Glenn Corbett, à la fin de la troisième saison, et a voyagé avec lui jusqu'à la fin de la quatrième et dernière saison.
Les Rues de San-Francisco
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de Mike Stone, vétéran de la police de San Francisco (23 années de service), et de son coéquipier, le jeune et impétueux Steve Keller, qui, sorti détective assistant de l'école de police, doit faire ses preuves sur le terrain.
Night Gallery

Night Gallery

May 27, 1973
Rod Serling raconte une anthologie d'histoires fantastiques, d'horreur et de science-fiction tirées d'un décor ressemblant à un musée macabre. Une œuvre d'art effrayante sert de lien de connexion entre les histoires.
Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

Sep 11, 1979
Son avion s'étant écrasé sur une île perdue au milieu du Triangle des Bermudes, le Major Steve Trevor est retrouvé inconscient par Diana, une princesse Amazone. Tombée sous le charme, elle décide de le ramener à Washington et, pour veiller sur lui, se fait engager à ses côtés sous le nom de Diana Prince. Dotée des supers-pouvoirs des Amazones, la jeune femme se glisse incognito sous la panoplie de Wonder Woman pour venir en aide à Steve lors de ses missions...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Run, Joe, Run

Run, Joe, Run

Nov 29, 1975
Run, Joe, Run was a Saturday morning television program that aired on NBC from 1974 to 1976. It centered around Joe, a German Shepherd in the military's K-9 Corp., and his master, Sergeant Will Corey. One day, during training, Joe was falsely accused of attacking his master, a crime for which the dog would be put to sleep as punishment. However, he escaped before being killed and a $200 bounty was put on his head. Sgt. Corey believed Joe was innocent and also pursued him, hoping to find Joe before the authorities did. While on the run, Joe helped people he encountered. During the show's second season, Sgt. Corey, having never found Joe, was called back to duty. Joe then teamed with a hiker, Josh McCoy, and continued to help others, all the while still on the run. The show was considered as a cross between Lassie and The Fugitive. Like The Fugitive, and later, The Incredible Hulk, it centered around a falsely accused person running from authorities and helping out people he meets along the way. The show was produced by William P. D'Angelo Productions, who also produced the NBC young adult drama, Westwind.
Rick Hunter, inspecteur choc
Aux côtés de sa coéquipière Dee Dee McCall, l'inspecteur Rick Hunter utilise ses méthodes de choc pour faire régner l'ordre et la justice et pour mettre les criminels sous les verrous.
Action & Adventure


Jan 12, 1973
The adventures of 1930's Los Angeles private eye Miles Banyon.
That's Life

That's Life

May 20, 1969
That's Life is a musical comedy series that appeared on the ABC television network in 1968–69, starring Robert Morse and E. J. Peaker as Bobby and Gloria Dickson. The series focused on the lives of Bobby and Gloria, from their first meeting through their marriage, as their lives progressed, through Gloria's pregnancy and childbirth, as well as Bobby's work experiences at the Miller Chalk Company. Characters often broke into song, in the manner of musical plays and movies. Songs included well-known numbers and original tunes written for the program itself. Well-known stars often guest-starred in one-time roles. Kay Medford had a recurring role as Gloria's mother, Mrs. Quigley, who was often antagonistic to Bobby.
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .
200 dollars plus les frais
Ayant purgé une peine d'emprisonnement de cinq années pour un délit qu'il n'a pas commis, Jim Rockford décide de devenir détective privé afin d'empêcher que ce qu'il a vécu n'arrive à d'autres. Installé à Malibu, il a fixé ses honoraires à 200 dollars par jour plus les frais
L'homme qui valait trois milliards
Gravement blessé dans un crash, l'astronaute Steve Austin est "reconstruit" avec des membres bioniques, ce qui lui procure une force immense, une vue perçante, et une rapidité hors norme ! Il travaille dorénavant pour l'agence gouvernementale OSI (Office of Scientific Intelligence), les aidant à résoudre toutes sortes d'affaires...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Madame's Place

Madame's Place

Feb 25, 1983
Madame's Place is an American sitcom that featured the misadventures of Madame, a puppet in the form of a bawdy old movie star with a naughty sense of humor.
Good Morning World

Good Morning World

Mar 19, 1968
In this flirty '60s sitcom, the action unfolds every day at a small Los Angeles radio station where Larry and Dave work as morning show DJs. While Larry is a swinging ladies' man with his eye on every woman on the block, Dave is the bumbling married guy who is just trying to stay out of trouble with his wife.
Love, American Style

Love, American Style

Jan 11, 1974
An anthology comedy series featuring a line up of different celebrity guest stars appearing in anywhere from one, two, three, and four short stories or vignettes within an hour about versions of love and romance.
Love, American Style

Love, American Style

Jan 11, 1974
An anthology comedy series featuring a line up of different celebrity guest stars appearing in anywhere from one, two, three, and four short stories or vignettes within an hour about versions of love and romance.
Love, American Style

Love, American Style

Jan 11, 1974
An anthology comedy series featuring a line up of different celebrity guest stars appearing in anywhere from one, two, three, and four short stories or vignettes within an hour about versions of love and romance.