Jai Stefan

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Ghost Rider : L'Esprit de vengeance
Danny, jeune garçon porteur d’une prophétie, suscite la convoitise de Roarke, un homme mystérieux possédant de grands pouvoirs. On fait alors appel à Johnny Blaze pour se lancer à la recherche de l’enfant en lui proposant comme récompense de le libérer de son alter ego, le Ghost Rider. Poussé par le désir de lever sa malédiction et celui de sauver le garçon, le Rider parviendra-t-il à s’affranchir de la menace de Roarke ?
The Real Deal

The Real Deal

Nov 27, 2002
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.
Hyper tension

Hyper tension

Aug 31, 2006
Chev Chelios est un tueur à gages qui n'a pas rempli un banal contrat : la veille, il a en effet raté sa cible. Et ce matin-là, Chev est réveillé par un coup de téléphone de bien mauvaise augure. A l'autre bout du fil, le malfrat Ricky Verona lui apprend qu'il a été empoisonné dans son sommeil et qu'il ne lui reste qu'une heure à vivre… Désormais, Chelios ne doit surtout pas rester immobile - sous peine de mourir d'un instant à l'autre : il lui faut stimuler son adrénaline pour empêcher le poison de provoquer un arrêt cardiaque. Dans une terrible course contre la montre, Chev parcourt les rues de Los Angeles, n'hésitant pas à affronter ceux qui osent se mettre en travers de sa route. Il n'a dorénavant d'autre choix que de trouver l'antidote lui permettant d'échapper à une mort certaine…
Hyper tension 2

Hyper tension 2

Apr 16, 2009
Chev Chelios affronte un parrain de la mafia chinoise qui lui a dérobé son cœur quasi indestructible et remplacé par une prothèse qu'il doit stimuler en s'envoyant des décharges électriques.
Ultimate Game

Ultimate Game

Sep 03, 2009
Dans un futur proche, les nouvelles technologies ont fait évoluer le jeu vidéo. Le principe créé pour le jeu "Les Sims" est appliqué à des êtres humains qui sont manipulés par des joueurs en ligne.Le milliardaire Ken Castle a créé le divertissement ultime : "Slayers", un jeu vidéo dans lequel des condamnés à mort, guidés à distance par des joueurs en ligne, s’entre-tuent lors de combats diffusés sur les écrans du monde entier. S'ils survivent à 30 épreuves, ils retrouveront leur liberté. Kable, téléguidé par Simon, un ado fan de réalités virtuelles est aujourd'hui la star du jeu. Mais Kable ne s'appartient pas : arraché à sa famille, emprisonné et forcé à combattre contre sa volonté, ce gladiateur des temps modernes doit survivre assez longtemps pour s'échapper du jeu et regagner sa liberté...
Officer Downe

Officer Downe

Nov 18, 2016
Un agent de police invincible revient régulièrement dans la rue pour la "nettoyer" des crimes qu'elle abrite.
Match Retour

Match Retour

Dec 25, 2013
Henry "Razor" Sharp et Billy "The Kid" McDonnen sont deux boxeurs de Pittsburgh propulsés sous le feu des projecteurs grâce à leur rivalité ancestrale. Chacun a eu l'occasion de battre son adversaire à l'époque de sa gloire, mais en 1983, alors qu'ils s'apprêtaient à disputer un troisième match décisif, Razor a soudain annoncé qu'il arrêtait la boxe : sans explication, il a ainsi brutalement mis fin à leur carrière à tous les deux. Trente ans plus tard, le promoteur de boxe Dante Slate Jr., y voyant une occasion de gagner beaucoup d'argent, leur fait une offre irrésistible : monter sur le ring pour obtenir leur revanche une bonne fois pour toutes.
The Real Deal

The Real Deal

Nov 27, 2002
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.
The Real Deal

The Real Deal

Nov 27, 2002
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.
Day of the Fight

Day of the Fight

Nov 15, 2024
On the day of his first fight since his release from prison, a once-renowned boxer embarks on a redemptive journey through his past and present.


Aug 10, 2012
On the day of his first fight since his release from prison, a once-renowned boxer embarks on a redemptive journey through his past and present.
Hyper tension

Hyper tension

Aug 31, 2006
On the day of his first fight since his release from prison, a once-renowned boxer embarks on a redemptive journey through his past and present.
The Real Deal

The Real Deal

Nov 27, 2002
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.
Date and Switch

Date and Switch

Feb 14, 2014
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.
10 000 Saints

10 000 Saints

Aug 14, 2015
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.
The Irishman

The Irishman

Nov 01, 2019
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.
Bart Got a Room

Bart Got a Room

Apr 25, 2008
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.