René Campero

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Cero y van cuatro

Cero y van cuatro

Dec 10, 2004
Four stories... one city. A dark comedy about crime in the big city: EL TORZON - two friends are smoking grass in their car, when they're caught by a corrupt Judicial Police Officer; VIDA EXPRESS - a wealthy businesswoman is kidnapped and her deadbeat husband has to come up with the money; BARBACOA DE CHIVO - an angry mob mistakes a college professor with a burglar and decide to lynch him in front of the church; COMIDA PARA PERROS - a bumbling thief tries to rob a restaurant
Cañitas, presencia

Cañitas, presencia

Mar 30, 2007
Based on the novel by Carlos Trejo - which is supposedly based on true events -, the film retells the story of a group of friends that played the Ouija one night together and started to die one by one in mysterious ways. The only survivor was the real-life author, Carlos Trejo.
Un mexicano más

Un mexicano más

Nov 12, 2010
Antonio (Ricky Mergold) is a 16 year old boy from a village in the Mexican province, living the awakening of consciousness with the intensity of the contradictions that surround him: a dogmatic religion, mediocre educational institutions, corrupt politicians an a society full of conformity. His life changes when a young teacher with a genuine desire to teach their students comes to the town, a guide that encourages them to live with dignity and to be critical of the world around them. This story is full of drama and misadventures, which Antonio lives without proper orientation and promiscuity.
Borrar de la Memoria

Borrar de la Memoria

Oct 14, 2010
A love story turned assassination against the backdrop of the 1968 student massacre whose unresolved status is finally resolved in tense life threatening conditions. The story of a stubborn journalist who undertakes the clarification and bringing to justice of the heinous murder of one student forty years later represents a dedicated effort to force a country from denial to reconciliation and closure of tragic social and political events in a country´s history. A nation cannot allow official cover-ups that seek to delete and erase from the collective memory events that prevent a nation´s march towards social justice.
El carnaval de Sodoma

El carnaval de Sodoma

Mar 04, 2006
In a seedy brothel, their frustrations parade: A poet who has never published, a revolutionary who came late to history, a provocative angel, a bureaucrat with delusions of a dancer, a greedy Chinese man and his timorous wife, Monica, a prostitute with low professional esteem, a group of prostitutes of dubious sensuality and, finally, a priest with a stench of holiness and another with redeeming instincts. But a stranger with the air of a princess appears, and upsets the balance of the establishment.
Cementerio de papel

Cementerio de papel

Feb 06, 2007
A thriller about four young people who investigate the murder of a woman who worked in the National Archive. They discover that she had stolen documents incriminating an ex president and a high level police officer involved in crimes during the Dirty War.
Rudo et Cursi

Rudo et Cursi

Dec 19, 2008
L'histoire d'amour et de haine entre Rudo et Cursi, deux frères issus d'une famille rurale mexicaine et qui veulent devenir riches et célèbres coûte que coûte. Ils vont finir par y arriver, mais à quel prix ?
Man on Fire

Man on Fire

Apr 23, 2004
Le Mexique est en proie à une vague d'enlèvements sans précédent. Face au danger, certaines familles aisées engagent des gardes du corps pour assurer la protection rapprochée de leurs enfants. C'est dans ce contexte lourd de menaces que débarque à Mexico l'ancien agent de la CIA John Creasy. Appelé par son vieil ami Rayburn, ce dernier se voit proposer un job inattendu : bodyguard de la petite Pita Ramos, fille de l'industriel Samuel Ramos. La fillette, précoce, pleine de curiosité et de vitalité, insupporte John par ses questions personnelles. Pourtant, au fil des jours, Pita parvient à percer ses défenses. Après bien des années, celui-ci retrouve le goût de vivre. C'est alors que Pita est kidnappée. Bien que grièvement blessé, Creasy se lance à la poursuite des ravisseurs. Inflexible, il remonte la piste, se jurant de retrouver sa protégée.


Oct 18, 2005
Lorsque la belle agente fédérale Magdalena fait appel au jeune curandero local afin de purifier un commissariat, tous deux se retrouvent soudain plongés dans le champ de bataille sanguinaire d'une secte satanique et vont vivre un voyage horrifiant à travers les entrailles les plus profondes de la pègre mexicaine...
Super Nacho

Super Nacho

Jun 16, 2006
Orphelin, Nacho a passé sa jeunesse dans un monastère mexicain avant d'en devenir le cuisinier. Mais ses dons laissent fortement à désirer, et l'on ne compte plus les crises de foie et turistas imputables à sa cuisine et aux minables ingrédients dont il use. Nacho a compris que le plus sage serait d'acheter de meilleurs produits - et pour cela de commencer à se faire de l'argent. Il donnerait ainsi un peu de bonheur à ses chers orphelins, et aurait peut-être une chance d'impressionner son idole, la délicieuse et innocente novice Encarnación. Une idée audacieuse germe bientôt dans sa tête : se lancer en grand secret dans une carrière de lutteur masqué. Faisant équipe avec le filiforme Esqueleto, Nacho se découvre un talent insoupçonné pour la Lucha Libre. Il a enfin trouvé sa vocation, le voici prêt à affronter les plus grands lutteurs de son pays...
Travesía del Desierto
Victor, a successful and well-respected businessman, is obsessed by the legend that an indigenous woman told him when he was a child. Victor lives a conventional life with a family that knows and complains about his constant infidelities. When the woman is dying, she sends for Victor and her son Jose Francisco, who is working as his chauffeur. They both answer the summons. Their lives take an unexpected turn.


Apr 05, 2011
Emperatriz is a Mexican telenovela produced by Fides Velasco for Azteca. It stars Gabriela Spanic as the title character, while Bernie Paz as the male lead. Other casts include Sergio de Bustamante, Julieta Egurrola, Adriana Louvier, Marimar Vega, Miriam Higareda, Alberto Guerra, Rafael Sanchez Navarro and Carmen Delgado. Omar Fierro made special appearance in the first five episodes, and later returns in the final part of the series.[1] The filming process took place between 17 March 2011 - 30 September 2011. The series premiered on 5 April 2011, 19 days after filming the first scene, at 8:30pm, occupying Prófugas del Destino's slot, and ended on 8 November 2011. Emperatriz is also known as most selling telenovela of 2011.