Suzanna Love

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Nov 07, 1980
Une jeune fille assiste à un meurtre commis par son propre frère dans un miroir. Vingt ans plus tard, le miroir est retrouvé et brisé, libérant l'âme damnée du défunt qui ne souhaite plus qu'une chose, se venger.
Boogeyman II

Boogeyman II

Aug 24, 1983
Lacey, the shaken survivor of a bloody supernatural rampage in the countryside, is flown to Los Angeles where a slick movie producer plans to cash in on her story. At a decadent Hollywood party, plans for the beginning of a new horror movie franchise are torn asunder when a fragment of the original haunted mirror turns these hotshot movers and shakers into screamers and quakers!


Aug 05, 1983
After a traffic accident Kaylie is in coma for months and her doctors want to try a new procedure on her. To regain her consciousness, they stimulate her brain with the neural patterns of a woman who has just died. It works and Kaylie fully recovers. However, she begins to relive the dying moments of her donor and realizes that she was murdered! Along with her husband and mother, she tries to find out what happened.
The Devonsville Terror
Au 17ème siècle, dans la petite ville de Devonsville, Etats-Unis, trois jeunes femmes sont amenées sur le buchet pour sorcellerie par les paysans du coin. L’une d’elle, tout en clamant son innocence, jure qu’elles reviendront un jour se venger… 300 ans plus tard, à quelques jours d’intervalles, trois jeunes femmes viennent s’installer dans la ville, dont une mystérieuse institutrice. Il ne faut pas longtemps avant que certains membres de la communauté masculine ne voient en elles les résurrections des trois prétendues sorcières…
Revenge of the Stolen Stars
Klaus kinski plays the ghost of Duncan McBride, murdered owner of a plantation and ruby mine on the island of Sunanow, in the South China sea. The mine, and the Curse which killed his uncle, are inherited by the inept Gene who comes from San Francisco to look for the Six Stars, (missing rubies) accompanied by the lovely Kelly Scanlon and persued by the villanous Alex and Lupe. Written by Michael Crew


Mar 15, 1979
Jeune et naïf, Claude Bukowski arrive à New York pour se rendre au bureau de recrutement de l'armée. Mais en chemin, il se retrouve au milieu d'un happening de hippies dans Central Park et tombe immédiatement amoureux de la belle Sheila. Berger, le leader pacifiste des hippies, décide de prendre Claude sous son aile et l'encourage à braver tous les obstacles pour qu'il déclare sa flamme à la jeune fille. Pour Claude, c'est le début d'une aventure qui le conduira de la prison à l'armée, en passant par le lac de Central Park. Mais Berger, dans un ultime effort pour empêcher Claude de participer à la guerre du Vietnam, provoquera, sans le savoir, un retournement de situation aux conséquences dramatiques.
Cocaine Cowboys

Cocaine Cowboys

Oct 05, 1979
A rock band is on the brink of super-stardom. Until now they've juggled their music career with cocaine smuggling. The musicians and their manager wish to sever ties with organized-crime, leave the drug world behind and concentrate on music. They are coerced into doing one last job for the Mob. They lose the $2 million of cocaine and find themselves marked men unless they can fulfill their obligations.


Mar 01, 1983
Une sorcière maléfique ramène à la vie l'infâme Elizabeth Bathory, qui a été exécutée plusieurs centaines d'années auparavant pour avoir tué une jeune femme et se baigner dans le sang.
Boogeyman II: Redux

Boogeyman II: Redux

Jan 01, 2003
Film director Mickey Lombard is questioned by the authorities for the murders of several people at his own home. The police believe Mickey did it but he swears he is innocent because even though he doesn't believe it himself, the Boogeyman is responsible.
Blank Generation

Blank Generation

Oct 02, 1980
Nada, a beautiful French journalist on assignment in New York, records the life and work of an up and coming punk rock star, Billy. Soon she enters into a volatile relationship with him and must decide whether to continue with it, or return to her lover, a fellow journalist trying to track down the elusive Andy Warhol.
Return of the Boogeyman
Poor Annie every time she falls asleep, her dreams are haunted by visions of a faceless man committing unspeakable crimes. Just like a kid afraid of the dark, the Boogeyman has made her afraid to close her eyes. Annie soon realizes her hideous dreams are predictions. If she can harness this terrifying power, perhaps she can prevent the bloody slaughter she forsees, and track down the Boogeyman before his body count climbs any higher. Their actions are very brave, but are Annie and her friends the hunters... or the hunted?
Strangers in Paradise

Strangers in Paradise

Jan 01, 1984
Mesmerist Jonathan Sage escapes Nazi Germany via a cryogenic tube. In the 1980s, a group of Fascist Americans thaw him out, hoping to use him as a way to rid their community of homosexuals, free-thinkers, and other "radicals."
Science Fiction
Boogeyman II

Boogeyman II

Aug 24, 1983
Lacey, the shaken survivor of a bloody supernatural rampage in the countryside, is flown to Los Angeles where a slick movie producer plans to cash in on her story. At a decadent Hollywood party, plans for the beginning of a new horror movie franchise are torn asunder when a fragment of the original haunted mirror turns these hotshot movers and shakers into screamers and quakers!


Aug 05, 1983
After a traffic accident Kaylie is in coma for months and her doctors want to try a new procedure on her. To regain her consciousness, they stimulate her brain with the neural patterns of a woman who has just died. It works and Kaylie fully recovers. However, she begins to relive the dying moments of her donor and realizes that she was murdered! Along with her husband and mother, she tries to find out what happened.
The Devonsville Terror
After a traffic accident Kaylie is in coma for months and her doctors want to try a new procedure on her. To regain her consciousness, they stimulate her brain with the neural patterns of a woman who has just died. It works and Kaylie fully recovers. However, she begins to relive the dying moments of her donor and realizes that she was murdered! Along with her husband and mother, she tries to find out what happened.
Strangers in Paradise

Strangers in Paradise

Jan 01, 1984
Mesmerist Jonathan Sage escapes Nazi Germany via a cryogenic tube. In the 1980s, a group of Fascist Americans thaw him out, hoping to use him as a way to rid their community of homosexuals, free-thinkers, and other "radicals."
Science Fiction


Nov 07, 1980
Mesmerist Jonathan Sage escapes Nazi Germany via a cryogenic tube. In the 1980s, a group of Fascist Americans thaw him out, hoping to use him as a way to rid their community of homosexuals, free-thinkers, and other "radicals."