David Rigby

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Dead Zone

Dead Zone

Oct 21, 1983
Un professeur de lycée subit avec sa future femme un accident de voiture qui va bouleverser sa vie. Lorsqu'il se réveille d'un coma de cinq ans, il découvre qu'il peut prédire le sort d'une personne par un simple contact physique. Ce pouvoir peut être un don, mais aussi une malédiction, comme Walken va le découvrir en serrant la main d'un politicien avide de pouvoir.
Coyote Run

Coyote Run

Jun 17, 1997
A traumatized Vietnam veteran crosses paths with a mobster on the run with $15 million, and takes it as an opportunity to play the hero and heal in the process.


Sep 18, 2015
En 1969 à New York, Danny Winters découvre le milieu LGBT, en participant à la révolution homosexuelle contre l'homophobie d'État des Etats-Unis, et notamment en participant aux émeutes de Stonewall durant les 27, 28 et 29 juin 1969.
Liste noire

Liste noire

Sep 23, 1995
Gabrielle, une prostituée, remet au juge Jacques Savard une liste de noms de magistrats qui ont retenu ses services. Malgré les pressions de ses collègues incriminés et le meurtre de l'avocat de Gabrielle, Savard hésite à la rendre publique.
Cause Of Death

Cause Of Death

Jan 10, 2001
A deputy-district attorney, assigned to investigate the murder of the mayor's cousin, finds himself falling for the victim's wife.
Turbo Kid

Turbo Kid

Aug 14, 2015
Dans un monde ravagé par l'apocalypse, un jeune garçon passionné par les bandes dessinées survit à l'hiver nucléaire en échangeant contre un peu d'eau les objets qu'il trouve dans les ruines des Terres Désolées. Mais l’enlèvement de son amie Apple par un sbire du maléfique Zeus le forcera à affronter ses peurs et à devenir un héros malgré lui.
Strange Brew

Strange Brew

Aug 26, 1983
Deux ratés vivant de petites combines tentent d'arnaquer une puissante firme de bière et se frottent involontairement au plan machiavélique d'un employé peu scrupuleux.
Un Parcours de Légende
Francis Ouimet est issu d'un milieu très modeste mais s'illustre dans un sport généralement réservé aux classes sociales aisées : le golf. Véritable prodige, tout le monde l'encourage à poursuivre dans cette discipline mais son père s'y oppose... Toutefois, il continue et persévère jusqu'à atteindre un niveau exceptionnel. Ainsi, il s'inscrit à 20 ans au tournoi de l'US Open.
The Pink Chiquitas

The Pink Chiquitas

Jan 23, 1987
A pink meteor controlled by aliens lands near a small town and turns the local women into nymphos. A deputy sheriff and a local private eye investigate.


Nov 16, 2010
1985, Marcel, 60 ans, ex-comédien-producteur de variétés, courailleux semi-alcolo retiré dans ses terres, apprend que sa femme l'a quitté il y a neuf jours (il ne s'en était pas rendu compte) et qu'il est ruiné pour cause de mauvais placements. Il décide donc de recruter ses anciens comparses à Montréal : Lady Moon, un travesti sexagénaire en deuil ; Lucie, 60 ans, une comique indomptable ; et Roger, 55 ans, crooner gominé un peu salace. Les trois veulent embarquer dans le « show de retrouvailles » mais à la condition que Marcel embauche Pedro, son fils.Or, Marcel et Pedro ne s'entendent pas très bien. Entre autres, ils n'ont pas la même vision du théâtre populaire. Au finish, dans la Grange à Marcel se jouera une comédie de l'héritage, entre tradition burlesque et nouveau théâtre. Mais aussi, des circonstances exceptionnelles forceront tout le monde à réinventer l'amitié, l'amour filial - et l'idée même de famille.
State Park

State Park

Jun 02, 1988
A business man plans to dump toxic waste on a state park, but it doesn't go according to plan.
State Park

State Park

Jun 02, 1988
A business man plans to dump toxic waste on a state park, but it doesn't go according to plan.


Feb 08, 2002
A business man plans to dump toxic waste on a state park, but it doesn't go according to plan.


Nov 25, 1988


A business man plans to dump toxic waste on a state park, but it doesn't go according to plan.
Nowhere to Hide

Nowhere to Hide

Jul 17, 1987
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
Mon ancien amant

Mon ancien amant

May 22, 2006
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
TV Movie


Oct 01, 1997
Legendary actor Patrick McGoohan turns his famous character from THE PRISONER upside down as the psychiatrist in charge of an insane asylum. He has connected his inmates into a group mind where they share each other's psychoses, dreams and sexuality with all the scary and titillating implications imaginable! Like his highly acclaimed cult classic MASSACRE AT CENTRAL HIGH, director Rene Daalders provocative excursion into sci fi-horror filmmaking looks at first glance like a classic grindhouse movie, but it is up to much more. In addition to its operatic mayhem, HYSTERIA is a mind-expanding reflection on individual vs. group consciousness, power, control, and freedom.
Science Fiction


Sep 10, 1998
Grindhouse styled short about revenge.


Jun 24, 2006
A city's most-notorious car thief must use all the skills at her disposal to evade a serial killer who wants to make her his next victim.
Issue fatale

Issue fatale

Jul 09, 2006
A city's most-notorious car thief must use all the skills at her disposal to evade a serial killer who wants to make her his next victim.
TV Movie


Apr 27, 2001
A city's most-notorious car thief must use all the skills at her disposal to evade a serial killer who wants to make her his next victim.
South of the Moon

South of the Moon

Aug 22, 2008
A city's most-notorious car thief must use all the skills at her disposal to evade a serial killer who wants to make her his next victim.
Dead Zone

Dead Zone

Oct 21, 1983
A city's most-notorious car thief must use all the skills at her disposal to evade a serial killer who wants to make her his next victim.
Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies

Jan 31, 2013
A city's most-notorious car thief must use all the skills at her disposal to evade a serial killer who wants to make her his next victim.
Popeye Doyle

Popeye Doyle

Jan 01, 1986
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
La Vengeance de Gina

La Vengeance de Gina

Oct 20, 2012
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Mon protégé

Mon protégé

May 03, 2008
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Péril à domicile

Péril à domicile

Jan 02, 2006
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
La Fugitive

La Fugitive

Jun 30, 2012
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
TV Movie
En toute complicité

En toute complicité

Apr 14, 2000
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Les Roues de la Mort

Les Roues de la Mort

Oct 02, 1987
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
The Score

The Score

Jul 13, 2001
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Police Academy 3 : Instructeurs de choc
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.


Feb 24, 2006
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Les Dangereux

Les Dangereux

Dec 06, 2002
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Upside Down

Upside Down

Sep 27, 2012
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Le Bras armé de la loi
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
TV Movie
Course à la mort

Course à la mort

Aug 22, 2008
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Course à la mort

Course à la mort

Aug 22, 2008
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.


Dec 07, 1990
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.


Dec 07, 1990
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Being Human

Being Human

Apr 07, 2014
Trois colocataires tentent de mener leur double vie le plus normalement possible. Mais avec un vampire, un loup-garou et un fantôme sous le même toit, les choses sont beaucoup moins simples qu'il y paraît...
Being Human

Being Human

Jul 17, 2000
Après la défaite de l'Allemagne lors de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, les Alliés décident de juger les crimes de guerre des nazis. Vingt-et-un membres du haut commandement nazi sont poursuivis au Palais de Justice de Nuremberg. Accusés de complot, de crime contre la paix, de crime de guerre et de crime contre l'humanité, les vingt-et-un plaident non-coupables.