Sócrates Serrano

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Las Caras Del Diablo

Las Caras Del Diablo

Sep 17, 2010
LAS CARAS DEL DIABLO es un thriller policial inspirado en hechos reales, que cuenta la historia de PEDRO RAMIREZ (Jean Paul Leroux), un Sub Inspector que obsesionado por el crimen sin resolver de una menor de edad, tres años después recibe la terrible noticia de que su hija Sarah, ha sido secuestrada en circunstancias similares, lo que desatará en el policía una búsqueda implacable para dar con el criminal.
El Malquerido

El Malquerido

Dec 18, 2015
The film follows the rise to fame of venezuelan singer Felipe Pirela. From the beginnings when he worked alongside Billo Frometa and his band Billo's Caracas Boys to the days of his death at the hands of a drug dealer.
La noche de las dos lunas
Au troisième mois de sa grossesse, Federica découvre que le bébé qu'elle attend ne partage pas son ADN. Elle se rend à la clinique où elle a subi un traitement de fécondation in vitro et ils reconnaissent avoir commis une erreur en échangeant son embryon avec celui d'un autre couple. La clinique identifie la femme dans laquelle ils ont implanté son embryon, mais elle a fait une fausse couche. Federica décide de poursuivre sa grossesse, d'avoir et de garder le bébé...
Hotel Providencia

Hotel Providencia

Sep 01, 2022
Sandra and Gerardo, a young newlywed couple, addicted to drugs and eager for easy money, are on their honeymoon, enjoying life and sex, they decide to buy a hotel. Over time the businesses does not go very well and they begin to get into debt, the consumption of alcohol and drugs increases, it gets out of control, the banks threaten to take everything from them, they get desperate; At that moment, coincidentally, Sergio appears, a reckless, adventurous, playful, good-looking criminal.
El show de Willi

El show de Willi

Dec 23, 2016
Willi premieres his own reality show and the first guest is the famous telenovela actress, Elsy Ferrer.. It immediately captivates the public with absurd and hilarious situations inspired by the routines of the most celebrated hosts of Latin American television.
Tout n'est pas rose

Tout n'est pas rose

Nov 27, 2012
Diego est un un jeune photographe qui vit dans le monde glamour de la mode, de la superficialité et de l'excès. Un événement tragique va changer son mode de vie, son partenaire se retrouve dans le coma. Face à ce drame, Diego va alors devoir prendre soin de son fils, Armando.
El Último Cuerpo

El Último Cuerpo

Jan 01, 2011
Investigating the murder of a drag, the journalist Heriberto Camargo discovers that the crime is part of a plot of police killings attributed to a character known as Vincent. The chronicles published by Camargo and his investigations to uncover the motive for the crimes confront Commissioner Sangretti.


Oct 29, 2019
A rookie cop under great pressure decides to steal an armored truck to save his life and also to expose the corruption that exists in the City Hall. From that moment on, he becomes the Mayor's main prey, forcing him to flee with his family in order to save himself.