Игорь Ботвин

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Alexandre : La Bataille de la Neva
Première moitié du XIIIème siècle. Si Alexandre Iaroslavitch, prince de Novgorod, est aimé de son peuple, il a aussi de nombreux ennemis. La puissante armée du khan Batyï le menace au sud. Les chevaliers teutoniques projettent d’envahir la Russie avec l’intention manifeste de la convertir à l’Église romaine. Même Ratmir, meilleur ami du prince mais amoureux fou de sa femme, pourrait devenir un dangereux ennemi. Alexandre est encore jeune mais sa bravoure et sa clairvoyance politique vont le mener vers la victoire…


Aug 28, 2001
Le sanguinaire gouverneur Timarchus organise des combats de gladiatrices où vont s'affronter la prêtresse Bodicia, l'esclave Jessimina et d'autres prisonnières de guerre.
Дополнительный урок
During the next duty, patrolman Vera Sedova single-handedly prevents a tragedy at the college, but a student dies in the process. She claims that the guy had a sawed-off gun, however, no weapons were found. The policewoman is cursed by her parents and the public. The only one who becomes humanly sorry for Vera is the appointed lawyer Ilya Nesterov. Ilya is more and more immersed in the case and is convinced that his client may be right.
Кое-что задаром
Max Flamberk, an uncompromising police detective, is conducting an unofficial investigation into the case of missing people. He obsessively believes that all the missing are mysteriously connected between, but none of his colleagues share his views. When the hero came close to solving the clue, the key witness perishes mysteriously. And everything looks as if Max, who had lost his mind, is guilty of this. Having lost the badge and trust of former colleagues, Max has the only chance to return his good name - to reveal this confusing business. But it will not be so easy, because now, in addition to former colleagues, Max is hunted by an ominous stranger from another world who clearly does not want the truth to come to light.


Jul 18, 2007
When an American of Russian descent arrived at the dawn of perestroika in the Russian hinterland, in the town of Pavlovsky Posad, where old Russian shawls are made, a lover in love with these shawls, seen only in pictures, licked no one thought that drama would break out in the provincial silence ...
Генеральская сноха
For Ira Kolchina, everything is working out perfectly. The girlfriends are not in vain envious of her: Professor Fedorov himself offered yesterday's student work in his own clinic. Moreover, Irina will soon become a general daughter-in-law, will live in honor and affluence. But not everything came true, as dreamed. The main in the family is Izolda Genrikhovna, general. She sincerely believes that Irina should not forget about which family she was “taken” to, be thankful and behave accordingly ... Who will win in an unequal battle - a daughter-in-law or a mother-in-law?
Игра on-line

Игра on-line

Jan 01, 2006
Each character is offered a real-time game. With her help, they will solve their problems in the most incredible way.