Diego Gentile

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La Petite Souris

La Petite Souris

Jun 30, 2006
La petite Lucia a perdu une dent. Ses parents la rassurent en lui disant que la petite souris va venir chercher sa dent et lui laissera une pièce de monnaie en échange. Mais la souris en charge de l'opération est indisponible. Elle demande donc à une autre souris qui demande à une autre? jusqu'à ce que la mission échoue à Perez.
El muerto cuenta su historia
Angel is one of those typical macho’s who does not hold women in high regard. With his fancy talk, his tight suit and his fashionable job as a director of publicity spots, he has ample opportunity to grab as many young aspiring actresses by the pussy as he can. His wife and kid are left to deal with the consequences. This is now drastically coming to an end. One night, when there’s once again not enough blood flowing through his brains and too much through his nether regions, he walks into a trap set up by a circle of Celtic Goddesses. They transform him into a zombie and make him a pawn in their plan to end male dominance one and for all. Luckily Angel’s not alone. He’s part of a brotherhood of undead macho’s. They do not only exchange tips in how to mask their increasingly penetrating body odor, they also come up with a plan to sabotage the Goddesses.
Mariel espera

Mariel espera

May 11, 2017
Mariel and her husband, happily married and expecting a baby, are moving from the apartment they currently rent to a larger apartment they have just booked for purchase. She is an architect, and her boss left him in charge of designing how the illumination of a collection of works of art should be. Everything goes very well for Mariel, but at the last ultrasound something is not right. The gestation of his embryo was interrupted. She lives from now on with the death she carries inside.
Joel, une enfance en Patagonie
Ne pouvant pas avoir d’enfant, Cecilia et Diego, qui viennent d’emménager dans une petite ville de la Terre de Feu, attendent depuis longtemps de pouvoir adopter. L’arrivée soudaine de Joel, un garçon de 9 ans, va bouleverser leur vie et l'équilibre de la petite communauté provinciale.
Unidad XV

Unidad XV

Nov 22, 2018
With the Peronist government overthrown, with General Perón in exile and the Liberating Revolution in power, four renowned Peronist leaders are confined in the distant and cold Unit 15 of the Río Gallegos prison. Faced with the imminent execution to which the political prisoners will be assigned, they decide that the only option to survive is escape. Leaving aside their personal and ideological differences, they plan one of the most spectacular escapes in Argentine history.
Les Nouveaux Sauvages

Les Nouveaux Sauvages

Aug 21, 2014
L'inégalité, l'injustice et l'exigence auxquelles nous expose le monde où l'on vit provoquent du stress et des dépressions chez beaucoup de gens. Certains craquent. « Les Nouveaux Sauvages » est un film sur eux.
Los adoptantes

Los adoptantes

Nov 14, 2019
Martín, a TV host of 42, has the urgent need of becoming a father. Leonardo, an agronomist of 45 and Martín’s partner for the past ten years, has doubts since he himself was adopted by his parents.


Jul 06, 2000
A young man wants to make a girl fall in love with him and on the way he discovers that what he wanted was something else...
Le Cahier de Tomy

Le Cahier de Tomy

Nov 24, 2020
Lutte contre le cancer en phase terminale, une femme écrit un cahier unique sur la vie, la mort et l'amour pour que son fils se souvienne d'elle. Basé sur une histoire vraie.
Complici del silenzio

Complici del silenzio

Jan 01, 2009
Argentine, 1978. Un journaliste italien est envoyé en Argentine afin de couvrir la Coupe du monde du football et souhaite profiter de l'occasion pour renouer avec sa famille émigrée en Amérique. Au cours de ses recherches, il fera la connaissance d'Ana, une militante, de laquelle il va peu à peu tomber amoureux et par laquelle il va découvrir les horreurs dont se rend responsable la dictature militaire.


May 15, 2024
Un veuf, père de trois enfants, est au bord de la ruine quand il hérite d'une fortune inattendue de la part de son oncle. Mais il y a une condition, sa famille doit s'occuper de Chueco, un chimpanzé qui sait parler. Cacher ce secret ne sera pas facile, car ce singe ne se tait jamais, et il va entraîner la famille dans toutes sortes de déboires.
Conflictos modernos

Conflictos modernos

Jan 05, 2016
The series proposes a new look at the human bonds of the new century. Each of the chapters develops a unique story. They are focused on the conflicts that their characters face in the face of the resistance of a society that often does not fully accept new realities, a product of the transformations that are currently being experienced.