Ángel Menéndez

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Le diable vient d'Akasava
En Afrique, l'équipe du professeur Forrester pense avoir découvert la Pierre Philosophale. Quelques temps plus tard, des meurtres se succèdent. Envoyé par Scotland Yard, un enquêteur débarque alors sur les lieux, en même temps qu'une mystérieuse femme qui va finalement s'allier à lui. Ensemble, ils vont découvrir avec effroi que le pouvoir de la pierre ne se limite pas à transformer le métal en or.
Emma, puertas oscuras

Emma, puertas oscuras

Mar 22, 1974
Emma is a teenager when she is the victim of a terrible road accident in London, and needs psychiatric care after she suffers from resulting brain injury. Her mother, Silvia, confines her in the house, and Emma's personality becomes aggressive, leading to a regrettable series of violent deaths.
The Loreley's Grasp

The Loreley's Grasp

Jun 15, 1973
Depuis des siècles, la légendaire Lorelei se terre dans une grotte située près du Rhin. À chaque pleine lune, cette dernière se transforme en reptile de forme humanoïde, et assoiffée de sang, elle se nourrit des belles jeunes filles qui vivent dans le pensionnat voisin. Un chasseur nommé Sirgurd est engagé pour enquêter sur ces massacres…
Le bossu de la morgue

Le bossu de la morgue

Jul 13, 1973
Gotho, un misérable bossu, est employé à la morgue d’un hospice. Il s’occupe des tâches les plus ingrates, à la risée de tout le personnel. Amoureux fou d’une patiente, il prend soin d’elle autant qu’il le peut. Hélas, elle ne survit pas à sa maladie, ce qui plonge Gotho dans le chagrin. Désespéré, il cache la belle dans le sous-sol de la morgue. Un médecin sans scrupules lui promet de la ramener à la vie. Mais, en échange, il doit l’aider dans ses recherches : Gotho doit ramener des cadavres tout frais.
La noche de los asesinos
Un aristocrate richissime obsédé par l’Apocalypse, est assassiné de cruelle manière, enterré vivant sous une épaisse couche de boue par un mystérieux tueur. Sa seconde épouse découvre le cadavre et prévient la police, qui débute une enquête s’annonçant difficile. En effet, sous des dehors respectables, l’entourage de Lord Marian cache bien des secrets et beaucoup auraient pu vouloir la mort du vieil homme.
Santo Frente a la Muerte
A group of international criminals steal a large emerald from a heavily guarded Colombian mine and they plan to sell it on the black market. Unfortunately, the evil Dr. Igor is also manipulating other criminals, as well as the ones who stole the emerald, for his own benefit. Santo, a Mexican wrestler/Interpol agent works with the Colombian authorities in an attempt to recover the emerald and to stop Dr. Igor and his subordinates, as well.
Science Fiction
Le couteau de glace

Le couteau de glace

Aug 24, 1972
Martha Caldwell a assisté à la mort brutale de ses parents sur une voie ferrée. Traumatisée, elle est depuis muette et fragile. Désormais adulte, elle essaye de surmonter son traumatisme elle vit en Espagne avec son oncle Ralph, un passionné de démonologie et de sciences occultes. À l'occasion de l'anniversaire d'une jeune nièce, Christina, Martha revoit sa cousine Jenny, une chanteuse célèbre de passage en Espagne. Pourtant, alors qu'elles se dirigent vers le manoir de Ralph, Jenny aperçoit deux yeux la scrutant au travers de la vitre de leur voiture. Son chauffeur Marcos, un homme sinistre et placide, la rassure en lui expliquant qu'elle a dû voir un reflet... Alors que la soirée d'anniversaire se déroule normalement, Christina s'absente pour chercher son chat dans le garage. Mais Martha remarque du sang sur lui et découvre Jenny morte, tuée à coups de couteau dans le dos.
Dr. M schlägt zu

Dr. M schlägt zu

Dec 26, 1972
Dr. Mabuse and his accomplices steal all kinds of attributes from a National Research Institute (including female staff members) in order to complete his own evil mind-control ray. Dr. Mabuse has this impressive and horribly scarred man-monster that kills for him while the entire police force desperately tries to catch him.
La cara del terror

La cara del terror

Oct 28, 1962
A scientist develops a serum that can eradicate scar tissue. He tries it on a girl with a horribly disfigured face. It succeeds, but then he discovers the girl is an escaped mental patient from a local asylum.
Cérémonie sanglante

Cérémonie sanglante

Sep 10, 1973
En Europe centrale, quelque part du côté de la Hongrie, le peuple a peur. Et quand il a peur, il fantasme des boucs-émissaires, qui ici se trouvent être accusés de vampirisme. Après de ridicules simulacres de procès, les victimes déjà mortes, exposées dans un cercueil de verre avec un pieu dans le cœur, sont décapitées, puis brûlées. Les cendres de la tête sont ensuite remises à la veuve éplorée.


Mar 26, 1966
A halfbreed seeks revenge for the death of his sister, who kills herself after being raped by an officer of the Canadian Mounted Police. He gets involved in the historical revolt of halfbreeds and Indians led by Louis Riel in 1885 against the Canadian government.
Le Sadique Baron Von Klaus
En Suisse, la famille Von Klauss serait hantée par une malédiction ancestrale. La Baronne Von Klaus se meurt en présence de son frère Max, de son fils Ludwig et de la fiancée de ce dernier. Elle dévoile à Ludwig un terrible secret de famille : le village de Holffen a été le théâtre de crimes atroces perpétrés 50 ans plus tôt par le Baron Von Klaus et son fantôme continuerait à violer puis tuer de jeunes filles. Elle lui transmet également une clé ouvrant une cave secrète. Le jeune baron s'y rend , l'ouvre et y découvre une salle de torture et un curieux manuscrit, les mémoires de son aïeul qui n'est d'autre qu'un grimoire d'initiation au sadisme.
Une balle pour Sandoval
Après la mort de sa petite amie en couches, le déserteur confédéré John Warner se rend au Mexique, où le père de la femme, Don Pedro Sandoval, remet à contrecœur son enfant. Mais sans habitants disposés à fournir du lait, le bébé meurt. En rassemblant un groupe de rebelles, Warner se déchaîne dans le nord du Mexique, dans le but ultime de vaincre Sandoval dans ce western granuleux.
No desearás al vecino del quinto
Pedro, a handsome gynecologist who lives in Toledo (Spain), does not have just a clientele due to the jealousy that his sex appeal causes in the husbands and boyfriends of his patients. To make matters worse, his mother still treats him like a child and the traditionalist members of his girlfriend's family don't look kindly upon Pedro. But on a trip to Madrid to attend a conference on medicine he meets Antón, his effeminate neighbor of the fifth floor, whose fashion boutique for women thrives thanks to the complicity he knows to establish with his customers.
El extraño viaje

El extraño viaje

Aug 09, 1964
In a small town near Madrid, Paquita and her brother Venancio, both single and with a childish personality, live under the shadow of their bossy older sister, Ignacia, a grumpy old maid.


Jul 03, 1977
A gang of criminals, composed entirely of young people, bases its unique fun on stealing from rich elders with the help of the charms of one of the members of the band, Pepi (Nadiuska). They are misunderstood young people looking for an assimilation of society.
Las chicas del bingo

Las chicas del bingo

May 25, 1982
The movie tells the story of four beautifull and young girls: María, Pilar, Patricia and Virginia. They all work at the bingo and while they sell bingo cars they fill the room with smiles, happyness and excitement. But not all in their lifes is a game. They have all type of problems and dificult situations at work: the harassment of men, the quirks of the players ... but by the end love will win, as well as the joy of life and optimism.
Les Vampires du Dr. Dracula
Lorsque, au cours d'un bal masqué, le jeune Rudolf retrouve son amie d'enfance Hyacinthe, il est ébloui par sa beauté et ne demande qu'à évoquer le souvenir des vacances d'autrefois en bâtissant de tendres projets. Mais la jeune fille n'a d'yeux que pour le prince Waldemar dont la solide trentaine et la faconde l'impressionnent. Dès le lendemain, alors que Hyacinthe a entraîné Rudolf dans les caves d'un château voisin abandonné, ils y retrouvent Waldemar qui leur conte la légende des Wolfstein, anciens propriétaires de la demeure : l'un d'eux, victime des loups-garous, est paraît-il endormi dans son caveau, une croix d'argent plantée dans le cœur.
Pena de muerte

Pena de muerte

Aug 12, 1974
A notoriously harsh French judge, vacationing at a luxury resort, finds his holiday interrupted when a mysterious killer begins murdering those in and around the hotel.
El colegio de la muerte
Girls of a corrupt orphanage are being sold by the sadistic matrons to a badly disfigured doctor. His sinister motive is to use the girls as guinea pigs in his experimental brain surgeries.
Muerte de un quinqui

Muerte de un quinqui

Dec 31, 1975
Marcos, un homme hanté par le souvenir de sa mère assassinée par son père, fuit une bande de terroristes pour lesquels il a travaillé. Il obtient par hasard un emploi dans une grande maison où une femme vit avec son mari et leur fille handicapée. Il séduit la mère et la fille avec le regard du père inquiet et jaloux qui ne peut rien pour l'arrêter.


Aug 27, 1969
Devenu adulte, Johnny décide de venger la mort de son père, tué sous ses yeux lorsqu'il était enfant, par ses camarades pour cause de trahison. Johny s'acharne sur tous les hommes qu'il croise en uniforme. L'état-major décide alors d'envoyer Garringo, un brillant lieutenant, pour le stopper.
Panzer division

Panzer division

Jan 23, 1969
Peu après le débarquement en Normandie. Un groupe de panzers allemands est anéanti par un détachement d'artillerie américain. Cependant, un char et son équipage sortent indemnes de la bataille. Le chef, jeune lieutenant fanatisé, décide de rejoindre ses lignes nazies. Pour avancer, les Allemands se procurent de l'essence dans un dépôt allié qu'ils détruisent ensuite...
Cebo para una Adolescente
A young woman was seduced by a high positioned official who is married but when she falls in love with a young man she tries to break the other relationship...
Luto Riguroso

Luto Riguroso

Mar 06, 1978
After the death of the Father, the women of the family gather at an old isolated house. Old rivalries surface causing nobody to notice the youngest daughter, Loli, sneaking out to meet up with a local hermit. The naïve girl quickly ends up pregnant. After Loli is raped whilst travelling home, everything comes to light and causes unexpected changes for the family.
Juego sucio en Panamá
A writer who has failled profesionally and overcoming an emotional crisis makes a drastic decision during a poker game, he bets his life.
La Chasse à la Mafia

La Chasse à la Mafia

Dec 07, 1964
Quelque-part en Amérique Centrale... Alors qu'il s'apprêtait à donner des renseignements à l'inspecteur Ruiz à propos du politicien véreux Leprince, le barman Paco est assassiné à coups de couteau. L'inspecteur mène l'enquête alors que, petit à petit, les participants au meurtre tombent les uns après les autres...
Escuela de seductoras

Escuela de seductoras

Sep 24, 1962
Three friends in love, are ignored because of their lack of gift to conquer. After learning of the existence of a school of seduction, are enrolled as students.
Adiós, cigüeña, adiós
Arturo, who has just turned 15, is in love with 13-year-old Paloma. In a moment of passion at a ski lodge while on a field trip to the mountains with their schoolmates, he gets her pregnant. Afraid of what may happen to them if their strict (but somewhat inattentive) parents or any of the rather straight-laced teachers at their Catholic school find out about the baby, Arturo and Paloma turn to their young friends and relatives for help instead. This proves to be something of a coming-of-age for everyone involved as they try to help the young couple get married, conceal the pregnancy from their parents, and prepare for the birth. The many adventures they have while doing this, while often amusing, help drive home to them that the old wives' tale about storks bringing babies is just a myth (hence the title), and pregnancy and childbirth are actually very serious matters.
Los novios de mi mujer
Emilio Antunez and his wife Charo, come to La Molina, willing to spend a few happy days of vacation. Charo, foreseeing that she will meet with important people, brings an assorted and elegant wardrobe, which is soon able to wear when she meets with Aurora, an old school friend who is married to the eccentric millionaire Taboada.
Un vampiro para dos

Un vampiro para dos

Dec 13, 1965
A Spanish couple emigrates to Germany looking for employment, in a desperate attempt to reconcile their marriage. The only work they can find, however, is in a castle inhabited by a strange baron, who is actually a vampire.
El arte de vivir

El arte de vivir

Jul 26, 1966
After graduating in Economics, Luis is seeking to burst through in life. His partner Ana sees how his way of being is changing by the standards of his company into a different person. Ana tries to draw his attention in a failed suicide attempt.
Los que tocan el piano
Cayetana, her boyfriend Paco and Venancio, her foster brother, commit small thefts and, from time to time, spend a few days in jail. Until they meet with Federico, a thief who has traveled abroad and convince them that using European methods success is guaranteed. Paco then decides to act scientifically and seizes a hospital surgical equipment. When they want to realize, poor Venancio is forced to give an injection to a dentistry patient and, even worse, Paco has to pull out a tooth. And all that, before entering the operating room
Cartes sur table

Cartes sur table

Apr 27, 1966
Un savant fou se sert de son armée de monstres mécaniques pour contrôler les gens qui sont du groupe sanguin O.
Vida conyugal sana

Vida conyugal sana

Feb 11, 1974
Enrique is a thirty-year-old lawyer who is married to Ana. Apparently he is a normal man who has only one obsession: the commercials. He feels a real passion for the erotic world of the ads either in billboards, trash cans, public transport, magazines or television. The continuous publicity bombardment ends up leading him towards a neurosis that changes his personality.
Le Colosse de Rhodes

Le Colosse de Rhodes

Jun 15, 1961
Darios, jeune général athénien, est invité par son oncle à Rhodes. Il va découvrir un complot contre les Grecs dont le centre est le célébre colosse, statue nouvellement inaugurée.
Le Secret de la veuve noire
Un journaliste souffrant d'un problème d'alcool enquête, avec la police, sur une série de meurtres étranges. Quelqu'un tue des membres d'une expédition sud-américaine en utilisant des fléchettes empoisonnées avec une araignée veuve noire.
Tocata y fuga de Lolita
Carlos, a widower in his forties, lives with his daughter Lolita and his sister Merche. He is a candidate to Spanish Court's Proctor, so frequently travels outside Madrid. During one of those trips, he is forced to return at home precipitously, because his sister informed him that Lolita has left the house to live with some friends.
Ave Maria

Ave Maria

Dec 14, 1961
Une religieuse, servant dans une prison pour femmes, avoue à une détenue son passé mouvementé en tant que chanteuse de cabaret, mère célibataire et meurtrière condamnée.
Oscuros sueños de agosto
Isabel returns to Spain, after several years of absence, to be cured of a neurosis. His daughter Ana, whom he has not seen in all this time, decides to spend the holidays with her, taking advantage of the fact that her boyfriend has gone to study in Germany. During her stay in the sanatorium, Ana meets Mario, an attractive young man somewhat unbalanced, who tries to seduce her. Although at first she does not show any interest, little by little she becomes attracted to him.
Chicas de club

Chicas de club

Jul 17, 1972
While conducting interviews with women working in local brothels, Fernando, a journalist, meets Elisa. The woman will tell him her dramatic story, which begins at age 14 when she is raped by her godfather.
Un Par Un, Sans Pitié
Durant la guerre de Sécession, le colonel Grayson est assassiné par quatre de ses hommes qui s'emparent d'une forte somme d'argent et laissent pour mort un Mexicain nommé Charro. Ce-dernier survit à ses blessures mais échoue en prison durant plusieurs années. A sa sortie, il rencontre le fils du colonel, Bill Grayson, décidé à se venger des meurtriers de son paternel. Charro et Bill suivent donc la piste de chacun d'eux, à présent des notables installés à des postes haut placés, et les éliminent méthodiquement. Une relation quasi filiale s'établit entre les deux hommes mais une forte somme d'argent ne va-t-elle pas les séparer ?
El hombre que mató a Billy el Niño
This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.
Los conquistadores del Pacífico
Frank Latimore is cast as Balboa, the heroic Spanish explorer who discovers the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, he must pacify the wrath of his enemies and battle his way through a forest inhabited by savage natives. This one features some really nice battles, stunning ocean photography, and tolerable reconstruction of historic events.
Une sorcière sans balai
Gaver Logan, professeur d'histoire, est en Espagne donnant une série de conférences de l'Université de Madrid. Il a depuis longtemps des hallucinations qui lui montrent une femme blonde et une beauté splendide, qui s'habille au Moyen Age et répond au nom de Mariana. La fille apparaît et disparaît, et Gaver croit que tout est dû à un dysfonctionnement de son foie. Au cours d'une conférence, le professeur voit un jeune homme qui ressemble beaucoup à ses hallucinations et qui l'écoute très intéressé.


Mar 19, 1963
The story of Dulcinea, the love of Don Quixote, who was only a normal girl named Aldonza that is suddenly involved by the legend of the brave and ingenous gentleman.
Agonizando en el crimen
The same day of their marriage, Jean's wife dies of a strange ailment in the middle of surgery. Afflicted by the loss, the young man abandons his medical studies and takes refuge in the memories of his time of courtship. At the same time that this happens, a wave of murders shakes the city with the same pattern of behavior: the victims are surgery students whose bodies have had both hands amputated.
Las chicas de la Cruz Roja
Paloma, Isabel, Marion and Julia Madrid are four girls belonging to different social strata, who are preparing to apply for the Red Cross on the flag. The four girls will be sought by many young ...
Tres huchas para Oriente
Pedro Manolo and Juan, three naughty and full of enthusiasm children go out with their piggy banks collecting money for missions. Near the end of the day, a car ran over one of them and is driven to a nearby hospital. The head of school, not knowing which of the children was injured calls the parents of the three to attend the health center. In parallel, we know the story of the three families. In the upper-class family, the father will leave his mother for another woman, in the middle class one, one sister invites her boyfriend to lunch and family revolutionizes and, finally, in that of lower class, the boy's father is about to be complicit in a crime
Le fils du capitaine Blood
Le fils du Capitaine Blood, Robert, est envoyé à Londres pour suivre des études de médecine, mais lors de la traversée, son bateau est attaqué par des pirates...
Hay que matar a B.

Hay que matar a B.

Jun 14, 1975
In a fictitious South American country there's lots of political tension, the labor-unions have all their members on strike. The public demands the return of politician B. from exile. However private trucker Pal can't afford to strike, so he's beaten up and his truck burned. In the headlines he's described as strike-breaker. This is only part of an intrigue which shall get him to murder B.
Gunfighters of Casa Grande
In this western, a gambler wins a big Mexican ranch and decides to herd all of the cattle upon it into Texas. The crook enlists the aide of a few Mexicans, but they don't realize he plans to cheat them. En route, the cattle drivers are ambushed by banditos. They survive, but during the course of the struggle, the cattle hands learn the truth and ensure that justice gets served.
El terrorista

El terrorista

Sep 11, 1978
Julio is an experienced terrorist. Now he is putting together a new team for the assassination of the prime minister.
Molokai: la isla maldita
Kingdom of Hawaii, 1866. Fearful that leprosy would spread throughout the archipelago, the king banishes the sick to the island of Molokai. In 1873, the Belgian Catholic missionary Damien de Veuster arrives on the island to help improve the lives of its unfortunate inhabitants.
Congreso en Sevilla

Congreso en Sevilla

Sep 03, 1955
Carmen is a Spanish emigrant in Stockholm who does not have the money to run her business or buy a ticket back to Spain. Thanks to a misunderstanding she meets Dr. Petersen who has an invitation to a medical congress in Seville and does not plan to attend. Carmen uses the ticket and impersonates the doctor just enough time to get to the city, but then she will be forced to keep the lie.
L'uomo del colpo perfetto
When $300,000,000 in diamonds are stolen from a fiery plane wreck the British Government become concerned that it might be part of a plot to undermine the value of sterling. They hire professional photographer, amateur lady-killer, and undercover agent Steve Norton to investigate.
Les Aventures du capitaine Lückner
Between the first and second World Wars, we portray glorified and renown naval sea officer Felix Graf von Lucker and his fictitious ship Niobe, which is the 1887 built Amphitrite from Southampton. Von Luckner is famous for his tactical genius in the first World War, especially sinking 14 enemy ships and only losing one crewman, whilst always seeking a peaceful outcome - making him the ideal seaman.
Action & Adventure
Curro Jiménez

Curro Jiménez

Mar 19, 1978
Curro Jiménez was a successful Spanish TV series that aired on TVE1 from 22 December 1976 to 1979. Its main theme was Andalusian "bandolerismo" in the 19th century, located in the Ronda mountains. The main characters were four bandits, Curro Jiménez
Action & Adventure