Georg Fernquist

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Herre med portfölj

Herre med portfölj

Nov 30, 1943
Rolf Berger, a hard working and dutiful deputy judge at the court of appeal, has been married for many years with Eva. She has long ago accepted that he spends his evenings with his legal work. Rolf Berger has been invited to the 25th anniversary of his graduation and starts to reconsider the kind of life he lives. When he meets the 19-year old Inger he falls in love with her and decide to leave his wife.
Kalle på Spången

Kalle på Spången

Nov 04, 1939
Kalle Jeppson is the joyful owner of a rural inn, "Spången" (The Footbridge). His only problems are all the bylaws that makes it difficult to have a quiet drink and the shrew of his wife who is always nagging on him. Kalle is afraid to tell her that Karin the maid is really his daughter from the days before their marriage.
Kungen kommer

Kungen kommer

Mar 23, 1936
A travelling theater-company performs Offenbach's "The Beautiful Helene" when an officer in the audience notices the similarity in appearance between the leading actor Leonard Pettersson and the king Charles XV.With Pettersson dressed as the king and the other actors as the royal suite, they all go to Herrsunda castle where the officer is trying to make an impression on his fiance.


Feb 05, 1934
Theatre director Freddy Alsterberg has failed with his latest operetta. He decides to work his way over the Atlantic. His niece Tusse also stows away on the ship disguised as a boy.
Hjärter Knekt

Hjärter Knekt

Sep 18, 1950
Lieutenant Anders Canitz is a womanizer and gambler from the upper class. He has spent all of heritage and tries to get to his sister's money by engaging her to invest in a shady business project he is involved in.
Quand il fera jour

Quand il fera jour

Jan 02, 1944
Après avoir découvert que sa femme le trompait, un officier de l'armée cible son rival avant de partir combattre en Finlande pendant la guerre d'Hiver.
Sången om den eldröda blomman
Olof Koskela, the only son is driven from home when he wants to marry the wrong girl. He takes a job as a floater. His reputation as a womanizer goes far and wide. When he meets the proud Kyllikki, he enters into a bet to defeat the mighty rapids standing on a log.
Lyckliga Vestköping

Lyckliga Vestköping

Aug 20, 1937
When the mine is closing down in the small community of Vestköping the town bank is also in danger. Sudden news of the return of one of the town's inhabitants who had emigrated to the USA and is said to be very wealthy improves spirits of everyone.
Falska miljonären

Falska miljonären

Oct 26, 1931
The American boat is on its way to Gothenburg. On board are the Swedish-American millionaire Fridolf F. Johnson from Detroit (Håkan Westergren) and his male secretary of the same name (Fridolf Rhudin). The millionaire stays hidden in his cabin with the secretary and does not appear on deck. A journalist arrives out at sea by airplane and asks for an interview, which the millionaire refuses to agree to. The journalist disguises himself as a steward, puts on a hidden camera (a spy camera) in the buttonhole, enters with a tea tray and photographs the wrong person - the secretary.
Madame de Thèbes

Madame de Thèbes

Aug 06, 1915
Né d'une union jugée impure, le fils d'une bohémienne est adopté par une comtesse. Des années plus tard, alors qu'il se destine à la politique, il ignore toujours que sa mère est une célèbre diseuse de bonne aventure.


Dec 26, 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Gyurkovics have a dozen children the oldest of which, the twins Géza and Bandi, just preparing for their matriculation examination. When graduation day has come Géza refuses to set up but taken by force by the principal's henchmen. When dad Gyurkovics later dies, takes over Bandi goods while Géza becoming an officer cadet in the nearby garrison city.
Två konungar

Två konungar

Nov 09, 1925
The young adventurer Signature Hjelm meets one day a runaway carriage, and succeeds by a resourceful and daring intervention to avert an accident. The rig belongs to Gustav III's favorite, Baron Armfelt, and as a reward for his feat will Ture service of the king's guard. Conspirators trying maple certainly entice him over to the king's enemies, but Ture reports Gustaf receiving a grim and determined expression on his face: "Spies even here!" His confidence Signature increases.
Karl-Fredrik au pouvoir
Expulsé de ses terres, un paysan accède au poste de ministre... pour se voir demander d'aider la comtesse qui l'a dépossédé en pleine crise agricole.
La Nuit de la Saint-Jean
Lena Bergström est la fille d'un journaliste vieillissant, obsédé par la baisse de la natalité. Elle est aussi la secrétaire d'un chef d'entreprise, Johan Borg, dont elle est désespérément éprise. Désireux de sauver son mariage raté, Borg souhaiterait que sa femme lui donne un enfant, ce à quoi Clary s'oppose obstinément. Lorsque cette dernière découvre qu'elle est enceinte, elle décide de se faire avorter et fait appel aux services d'un charlatan. Tandis qu'un maître chanteur fait pression sur les Borg, le père de Lena s'imagine que sa fille a subi un avortement...


Mar 06, 1939
About the conspiracy against the Swedish entrepeneur Ivar Kreuger. Presented through his secretary as a strictly busy, very wealthy man, involved in important international transactions. Ministers from all over the world stand in line to visit him. The Kreuger shares are in high demand. Germany needs a $ 125 million loan. Bank director Ryder suggests that secret forces want to stop this loan. Ted Harris, an American rogue, wants to sell secret papers from Wall Street on plots against Kreuger. The French minister and an international Soviet agent, Brody, also visit Kreuger regarding the loans. Kreuger shares are dropping around the world. The firm Nathan and Kohn contributes to dumping Kreuger shares after a bribe of SEK 25,000. Ordinary savers are ruined.
Mademoiselle Julie

Mademoiselle Julie

Jun 28, 1951
Le soir de la Saint-Jean, Mademoiselle Julie, son père le Comte étant absent, en profite pour faire une petite fête avec ses valets, Kristine et Jean.
Svensson ordnar allt!

Svensson ordnar allt!

Jan 31, 1938
Butcher Charles Svensson (Thor Modéen) bets on the horses and wins the jackpot. He finds high society is not immediately appreciative of the newly rich.