Riaad Moosa

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Riaad Moosa: Strictly Halaal
This is my first ever one man show. I did it YEARS ago. It's the full show. I called it 'Strictly Halaal', which was quite an unusual title for a comedy show back in the day. Up til that point, our ensemble comedy audiences were homogeneously white. When I started doing my one man shows, suddenly the scarves, kurtas and beards started coming out to the comedy shows. It seems like a lifetime ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. But looking at the suit I was swimming in, a part of me would rather forget.
Mandela : Un long chemin vers la liberté
Le film retrace le parcours exceptionnel de Nelson Mandela, de son enfance en milieu rural à son investiture comme premier président de la République d’Afrique du Sud élu démocratiquement. Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom raconte le destin passionnant d’un homme ordinaire qui sut s’insurger contre l’ordre établi et faire triompher ses convictions. Un portrait intime qui célèbre l’édification d’une icône moderne.


Apr 09, 2010
South Africa's top comics in a no-holds barred stand up comedy experience.


Feb 09, 2012
Un fils dévoué doit cacher son activité d'humoriste à son père qui, traditionnel et pieux, s'attend à ce qu'il reprenne les rênes du magasin familial.
New Material

New Material

Oct 02, 2021
Cassim Caif is a young Muslim man living in Fordsburg, Johannesburg. Heʼs balancing the demands of a new marriage, a young child, and living in a house with his ageing parents with being one of South Africaʼs few Muslim stand-up comedians. His father, Ebrahim, has reluctantly accepted his sonʼs chosen career—for now—but is still simmering over the issue.
New Material

New Material

Oct 02, 2021
Cassim Caif is a young Muslim man living in Fordsburg, Johannesburg. Heʼs balancing the demands of a new marriage, a young child, and living in a house with his ageing parents with being one of South Africaʼs few Muslim stand-up comedians. His father, Ebrahim, has reluctantly accepted his sonʼs chosen career—for now—but is still simmering over the issue.
Humoristes du monde

Humoristes du monde

Jan 01, 2019
Série de stand-up, Humoristes du monde réunit 47 humoristes issus de 13 pays différents. Tous s’amusent de leur époque et de l'univers qui les entoure, en fonction de leur style d’humour et de leur vie quotidienne. Il y en a pour tous les goûts !