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The Storm Warriors

The Storm Warriors

Dec 10, 2009
Le cruel seigneur de guerre japonais Godless, ambitieux et sans scrupule s'apprête à envahir la Chine, il fait emprisonner tous les maîtres en arts martiaux de l'Empire. Mais les deux guerriers Vent et Nuage vont se dresser contre lui. L'un en cédant à la facilité des forces obscures, l'autre en appelant à la vengeance...
Bullet and Brain

Bullet and Brain

Nov 15, 2007
Au milieu des gunfights et des effusions de sang dans une ville immonde, se trouvaient deux personnages légendaires, connus seulement sous les noms de "Bullet" et "Brain". "Bullet", comme son nom le suggère, avait gagné la réputation d'être le plus fin tireur ayant existé dans la ville. Il pouvait se débarrasser de son ennemi avec un revolver en moins d'un 10ème de seconde. Brain", de son côté, avait gagné sa réputation par rapport à ses plans ingénieux et les très nombreux gadgets électroniques qu'il utilisait. Neuf ans ont passé, Bullet et Brain ont laissé leur ancienne vie derrière eux et ont juré de ne plus tuer ou escroquer des gens. les récits de Bullet et Brain sont devenus seulement des légendes. Mais une vieille dette et promesse ramène Bullet et Brain en ville pour ce qui pourrait être leur dernière mission...
Kung Fu Master

Kung Fu Master

Jul 03, 2009
Référence mondiale du Kung-Fu, Jackie Chan prend sous son aile un adolescent surdoué. Mais pour devenir l’élève du maître des arts martiaux, Zhan devra combattre et prouver sa valeur lors d’épreuves mortelles.
For Love Or Money

For Love Or Money

Nov 07, 2014
Xu Cheng Xun (Bi Rain) est le fils d'un magnat, mais il a son propre rêve : celui d'être peintre.Il ne veut pas hériter de l'entreprise de sa famille et se contente d'être un pauvre artiste.Lu Xing (Crystal Liu) vient d'une noble famille d'aristocrate mais est devenue hôtesse de l'air afin de subvenir à ses besoins.Profondément trahie par l'homme qu'elle aimait ... Elle ne croit plus en l'amour. Tout change le jour où Lu Xing fait la connaissance de Xu Cheng Xun.


Jan 01, 2010
Heroic Detective is a re-edited TV-Movie from the Series Pandaman starring Eric Tsang and Shawn Yu.
Chroniques du Royaume des Esprits
En 1979, un jeune soldat travaille sur une montagne enneigée quand une explosion révèle des fossiles cachés dans les profondeurs des cavernes de la montagne. Cette découverte va changer sa vie, ainsi que toute l'histoire de l'humanité.
Bounty Hunters

Bounty Hunters

Jul 01, 2016
Un chasseur de prime hors pair, aussi talentueux, rusé que charismatique, finit par croiser le chemin de quatre autres chasseurs de prime qui, tout comme lui, se retrouvent mêlés à une sombre affaire de conspiration. Travaillant ensemble sur cette même mission, ils vont essayer de déjouer un à un les nombreux pièges tendus et tenter de faire tomber ceux qui se sont joués d'eux et les ont trahis…


Jan 01, 1970
Based on the novel of the same name by Cixin Liu, the first in the Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy. Hundreds of physicists died mysteriously. A Chinese nanomaterials expert, Wang Miao, sees a mysterious countdown in his eyes. Soon he finds out that the "disastrous planet" under three suns in a game really exists. The three-body civilization there will reach the Earth in 400 years. A future catastrophe is coming for humanity...
大话西游 3

大话西游 3

Jul 07, 2016
The third chapter of the cult-classic fantasy saga: A Chinese Odyssey. At the end of 'A Chinese Odyssey 2', Zixia managed to see in advance the outcome of the battle. Now, in order to prevent the unfortunate tragedy, she travels back to the past and make sure that Monkey does not fall in love with her. Monkey is then reincarnated and continues to wait for Bak Jing-jing.


Nov 11, 2012
The end of the world predicted by the Maya is not coming as expected, but the people seems to have lost the memory of their loved ones. Li Hui tries to find her beloved, a man who follows her like a shadow appears. A Liang, played by You-Ning Yang, is a professional killer, and Li Hui is his target. However, the two have a mutual affection. Part of the short-films series "美好2012之勇敢愛"


Apr 29, 2016
Lu Zhenxi had a dream since her childhood, to become just like her uncle, a successful entrepreneur. But when her "Big American Dream" comes down crashing, she is left rejected, and returns to China. Now after a fateful meeting with her idol Professor Meng, she must find it in herself to take a second shot.


Aug 17, 2018
Mr. Lin and Ms. Lin are the number one and number two in the field. They are neither friends nor enemies, but they ultimately join hands along with trusty assistant Le Qi as they track down an infamous thief who has stolen the 'Heavenly Emperor's Hand'. Unbeknownst to them, they become the common target in a manhunt by the European triads, the CIA and many other agencies.
Cook Up a Storm

Cook Up a Storm

Feb 10, 2017
Un restaurateur chinois voit d'un mauvais oeil l'installation dans son quartier d'un chef étoilé formé à l'école française. Ils s'affronteront jusqu'à l'ultime épreuve d'un jeu télévisé pour être départagés.


Apr 19, 2007
Hu Yan, a talented music student, meets Chen Dong, a passionate musician, and joins his band. When Chen Dong is diagnosed with ALS, Hu Yan gives up her dream of studying abroad to help him achieve his dream.


Aug 02, 2020
This movie about spy warfare and jungle fighting tells the legendary story of a Chinese man fighting with 13 professional soldiers from the enemy country during World War II and hunting them one by one.


Sep 05, 2008
Yinsha is a pure and beautiful girl raised by her grandmother in a coastal fishing village. She loves the sea and her hometown’s islands, and her love, Dalong, is the village's best fisherman.


Dec 31, 2024
Characters from the TV series Blossoms Shanghai meet each other again in the year of 2000 when attending the screening of In the Mood for Love.


Feb 12, 2015
Gu Tianmei, a young woman from a mountain village, moves to the city and catches the attention of TV producers for a "Beautiful Village Girl" contest. While her participation sparks tension with her boyfriend Er Yan, Tianmei's determination and resilience guide her through the challenges she faces.


Sep 30, 2010
Gu Feng and Yan Min are about to marry when Yan Min’s mother strongly opposes the union, causing complications. In the midst of this, Gu Feng’s sister encourages him to marry Han Jinbei, a wealthy woman who has developed feelings for him. As the story unfolds, the characters navigate love, family, and unexpected challenges.


Feb 19, 2011
Hitting twists and turns, three families go through tests of love and attraction. "My Daughter" tells the story of romantic love and familial love by exploring how parents guide their children to pursue true happiness. It depicts children's journey through life and the parent's search for truth in life.
Chinese Paladin 3

Chinese Paladin 3

Jul 10, 2009
Jing Tian, un simple employé dans la boutique de prêt sur gage Yong An qui rêve de devenir le patron, rencontre un jour un homme inconnu qui va lui dire qu'il devra sauver la terre pour éviter un tragique incident. De nature incrédule, facétieuse et cupide, il ne le croit pas. Pourtant, c'est ce qui va se produire. Il rencontre aussi d'une façon cocasse une jeune fille nommée Tang Xuejian qui se trouve être la fille de la très noble famille des Tang et leurs destins vont être liées. Plus tard, ensemble, ils font la connaissance d'un prêtre du Mont Shushan nommé Xu Changqing qui va les secourir alors qu'ils se faisaient attaquer par des zombies. Pour sauver la terre, Jing Tian accompagné de son fidèle compagnon Maomao, ainsi que de la fille des Tang, Xuejian, du prêtre Xu Changqing et de bien d'autres vont devoir accomplir des missions dont recueillir 5 perles magiques pour protéger la terre contre une force du mal qu'ils devront combattre.


Jan 29, 2015
Years after two college sweethearts went their separate ways, Mosheng and Yichen rekindle their romance despite a barrage of challenges to their love.


Jul 12, 2024
Hurry Up, Brother! is a Chinese variety show based off the original Korean variety show, Running Man. It is created by SBS and co-produced with Zhejiang Television. It first aired on October 10, 2014. This show is classified as a game-variety show, where the MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win a race. In 2017, the show officially changed its name to "Keep Running".


Aug 24, 2015
Xiao Liang is the CEO of the world's biggest Diamond company. He's reserved, strict and counts every penny while doing business. He also chooses to close himself off from people, insisting relationships are of no worth in his life. Everything turns upside down when he meets Mi Dou, a woman who changes his views in life and teaches him what it means to be alive and happy.


Feb 21, 2015
Set in 1930s Shanghai, Jiang Xin, an heir to a wealthy family, loses her memory in an accident. Du Xiaohan assumes her identity, while the real Jiang Xin is captured by powerful businessman Bai Zhangjie.


Mar 03, 2015
During the Republican era, a family empire famous for making the best fragrances and incense must guard against those who are out to steal their secret recipes. Ning Zhiyuan is the sweet young master of his family’s fragrance empire. An Leyan is a determined young woman who is out for revenge against the Ning family. Zhi Yuan falls in love with Le Yan, but she only wants to infiltrate Ning Zhiyuan’s family to steal a valuable perfume formula. Leyan’s true heart is drawn toward An Yichen, an inspector. But Xiao Hui, the daughter of a Japanese imperialist, is determined to capture Yichen’s heart at all costs. Can Zhiyuan protect his family’s livelihood and his own heart?


Oct 02, 2011
Hotel CEO Xiang Tian Qi loses his memory after sabotage on his engagement day and is rescued by spirited country girl Liu Xiao Bei. As he starts a new life with her, his fiancée Mu Zhi Qing leans on a supportive admirer. Torn between his past and present, will Tian Qi reclaim his old life or embrace a new one?
Perfect Couple

Perfect Couple

May 30, 2014
L’histoire se déroule sous la dynastie Ming. Jin Yuan Bao est le fils unique d’une famille aristocratique. Il se voit forcer de se marier à Jiang Xiao Xuan, fille unique d’une famille qui soutient l’empereur actuel. Mais un incident se produit et Yu Qi Ling va se retrouver à la place de Jiang Xiao Xuan, leur destin vont être lié.
The Lost Tomb

The Lost Tomb

Jul 12, 2015
Wu Xie descend d'une ancienne famille de pilleurs de tombes. Il voyage autour du monde pour retrouver et restituer les trésors perdus de son pays. De retour d'Allemagne avec son meilleur ami High Jr, il découvre l'existence d'un manuscrit révélant l'emplacement d'une tombe antique. Accompagné de High Jr, de son oncle Wu San Sheng, du mystérieux Zhang Qi Ling et du loyal Pan Zi, Wu Xie se lance dans une course pour retrouver avant d'autres pilleurs la tombe et ses trésors.
The story of three childhood friends as they navigate through early adulthood together in the city of Shanghai. Three different women, three different love stories – together they grow as individuals through their experiences in love and in sorrow.


Mar 21, 2019
A clashing of historical events and science fiction take place towards the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of Han and revolves around historical figures like Qin Shi Huang, Liu Bang, Han Xin, Zhang Liang and Xiang Yu. Han Xin is a young man with insurmountable abilities, but his talents are not appreciated in his time and he endures the abuse and humiliation of others. One day, a mysterious man in black offers Han Xin a change to change his fate. Through the power of the gods, the man in black will help Han Xin in exchange for a deal. As Qin Shi Huang, Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, and Zhang Liang walk towards the eye of the storm, Han Xin realizes that a hidden force has been controlling the shifting of dynasties.


Apr 15, 2013
During a mission, Zhong Li and her superior, an elite agent by the name of He Jun Feng accidentally met. Two wholly different people are seemingly pulled together by fate, and sparks of love result. They are quarrelsome lovers, and often argue;yet they are a couple whether in life or death,will help each other without reason at critical moments, and risk their lives to finish one mission after the other. Yet...dangerous fights, suffocating betrayals, a fated love story and the dazzling society....everything will be ready soon.
Action & Adventure


Aug 08, 2010
Year 2030, in a dark corner of Bright City, lies a powerful evil force: Violent Group, headed by Wang Hu. Burning, killing, looting, they begin destroying the whole city, and also begin brewing a terrible secret plan: to control the human brain. At such a critical time, Bright City's two super heroes 'Panda Superman' and 'Panda Hero' take up the responsibility of protecting the citizens and restoring justice. Panda Superman's father was previously a very kind-hearted philanthropist, and organised many charity events. One day, someone kidnapped Li Li A and her mother so Panda Superman's father rushed to save her. Unfortunately, he lost his own life. After this incident, his son would wear a panda outfit, and restore justice in the community. Chi Nan Jie is a cleaner in the local zoo. He became Panda Hero so he can help as much people as he can before he dies from a brain tumour.
Action & Adventure
The Princess Weiyoung

The Princess Weiyoung

Dec 09, 2016
Feng Xin'er est la princesse de Liang du Nord. Un soir, son pays est détruit par le clan Chiyun qui accuse le roi de trahison envers le roi de Wei du Nord. Après s'être enfuie, Feng Xin'er fait la rencontre de Li Wei Yang qui est la fille du premier ministre de Wei du Nord. Après la mort de celle-ci, Feng Xin'er décide de prendre sa place afin de venger son pays et sa famille. C'est alors qu'elle rencontrera Tuo Ba Jun, prince de Wei du Nord, dont elle tombera amoureuse.


Sep 01, 2012
Chen Jingchou, a mischievous descendant of the Chen Dynasty, crosses paths with Yuwen Tuo, a determined heir of the rival Northern Zhou Dynasty seeking to restore his fallen empire. When Jingchou’s master is trapped in a frozen limbo by Satan, the two reluctantly team up to find 10 mystical weapons capable of sealing the Gates of Hell and banishing demons from the human world. Joined by Tuoba Yu’er and Dugu Ningke, they embark on an epic quest where personal conflicts must be set aside for the fate of humanity.
Action & Adventure
A Moment But Forever

A Moment But Forever

Jan 01, 1970
Wu Shuang est missionnée pour récupérer un trésor du royaume céleste perdu pendant la guerre entre les dieux et les démons. Se faisant passer pour une servante, elle intègre le clan Youhu dans le but d'assassiner Yuan Zhong, leur leader. Découvrant peu à peu les complots qui se trament autour de la relique, Shuang décide finalement d'apporter son aide à Zhong pour rétablir la paix.


Jun 10, 2018
Xiao Qing, the principled daughter of a heroic prosecutor, meets Shu Che, a classmate determined to distance himself from his corrupt father's shadow. Their love blossoms, but when their fathers face off in a legal battle, their relationship is tested, forcing them to choose between love and duty.
Blossoms Shanghai

Blossoms Shanghai

Jan 09, 2024
Adaptation de nouvelles chinoises centrées sur les deux aspects (l'ancien et le moderne) de la ville de Shanghai, et sur deux périodes distinctes. L'histoire d'un jeune homme en quête d'aventures dans la Chine florissante des années 1990.


Mar 05, 2015
Adapted from the novel of the same name, The Lady in the Cubicle describes the life of white-collar worker Tan Bin, who is approaching the dreaded thirtieth birthday. As she struggles with challenges in work and love, particularly when she becomes involved with her superior Cheng Ruimin, she uncovers the real meaning of true happiness. The drama will also revolve around the lives of two other career women: Mini, who is Tan Bin’s constant rival, and Jessica, a pampered young woman who has just entered the workforce.
Xu Ran, a successful businessman, enjoys wealth and status at the peak of his career. Tang Qiqi, a regular white-collar worker, dreams of a better life. Feng Lufei, from a wealthy family, uses her skills to build her own empire. Their lives intersect by chance, leading to a love triangle.


Aug 30, 2013
Set in 1930s Shanghai, Zhang Lianxin, a former maid, seeks love and freedom amidst China's war with Japan. She becomes entangled in a dangerous political conspiracy and forms a bond with Chong Yang, as they face numerous challenges together. Lianxin must navigate a complex love triangle while confronting the powerful forces around her, ultimately deciding her fate in a turbulent time.


Aug 06, 2019
Shi Jian time travels back to the past in her dreams after a plane crash. Armed with knowledge from the future, she decides to solve all her problems beforehand and win over her future husband Ye Jiacheng from the beginning. Unfortunately, the younger Ye Jiacheng is an overly ambitious lad who also has a knack for breaking ladies’ hearts.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Aug 04, 2015
Kwan Yeuk-nam is a powerful woman. After her husband committed suicide due to a business failure, she single-handedly raised her three sons to adulthood, all whilst establishing her business empire, Sun Hon Lik. Now ready to retire, she is prepared to pass down her empire to her three sons.


Mar 24, 2023
Our Inn is a large scale space time scenario experience variety show which features 7 regular members who are partners of the inn.


Nov 26, 2020
Late in the 10th century, the Liao dynasty is at the zenith of its power. The omnipotent Liao rule much of what is now Northeast China, Mongolia, Russia, and much of the Korean Peninsula. Prime Minister Xiao Si Wen and Princess Yan have three daughters, with the youngest, Xiao Chao, their favourite. Her heart belongs to the aspiring military commander, Han De Rang, whose family have served the Liao loyally for decades. However, her parents have other plans, sucessfully arranging her marriage to Liao Emperor, Jin Zhong, whom she eventually concedes to marry. As the Emperor’s queen, she becomes a fierce defender of the Liao by assisting in mobilizing the army, heading a 10,000-strong cavalry and providing support to the civil administration. Eventually, she will earn the title of Empress.


Jan 01, 1970
Lin Zhanqiao, a successful and independent woman, avoids settling for less in love, seeking a genuine connection. After meeting He Dezhang, initial misunderstandings give way to mutual growth in love and career, leading them to realize they are perfect for each other. As they overcome challenges and prepare for marriage, they rediscover the true meaning of love and marriage.


Jan 01, 1970
A mysterious accident and the discovery of a long-forgotten skeleton connect two young people. Together, they team up with the police to uncover the city's hidden past and solve a web of dark secrets.