Michael Adams

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Mar 08, 1985
Le jeune Rocky Dennis est né avec un visage déformé par une maladie génétique rare qui déforme radicalement son visage et lui donne un aspect de lion. Sa mère Rusty fréquente un gang de motards. Elle adore et protège son fils, mais doit faire face à ses propres hantises. Elle se plonge dans des aventures sans lendemain et dans la toxicomanie, jusqu'au moment où Gar, un ancien amant, revient. Rocky se fait accepter à l'école, mais se sent triste et désespéré à cause du fossé social que creuse sa difformité et qui l'empêche de mener une existence comme les autres jeunes de son âge…


Dec 10, 1993
5 septembre 1886. La nouvelle parvenait à toute la nation. Geronimo, le chef des apaches, se rendait. Pour obliger un seul homme à capituler, un quart de l'armée américaine avait été engagé.
Le Vainqueur

Le Vainqueur

Jun 22, 1984
Jake est une chanteuse de country avec du talent. Nick Martinelli est un chauffeur de taxi à New York, totalement excentrique. Un jour, Jake parie avec son manager, qu'elle peut transformer n'importe qui, en un grand chanteur !!! Et, à la suite d'une rencontre avec ce « fameux » chauffeur de taxi déjanté, elle décide de sélectionner Nick. Maintenant, Jake doit mener Nick vers les collines du Tennessee pour un cours intensif de deux semaines sur la façon de marcher, de parler et de chanter comme une véritable star de Country.
Atatürk - Father of the Turks
In the documentary, the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the last period of the Ottoman Empire, the War of Independence and the developments in the first years of the Republic of Turkey are told in parallel. The documentary prepared by Michael Adams consists of recordings made by the BBC in 1970 in Çanakkale, Samsun, Amasya, Sivas and Ankara, as well as historical footage.


Oct 03, 1985
Après avoir mené de nombreuses missions périlleuses, le colonel John Matrix, un ancien combattant d’élite, coule des jours heureux avec sa fille Jenny, âgée de 12 ans. Mais le général Arius, dictateur déchu, fait kidnapper celle‐ci et charge Matrix d’assassiner l’actuel Président du Val Verde. Ce qui n’est pas dans les plans de notre héros…


Jan 15, 1979
Stella Farrell is a southern belle in 1860's Charleston, South Carolina who is determined to hang onto her aristocratic family's mansion following the Civil War.
Vengeance aveugle

Vengeance aveugle

Aug 17, 1989
Nick Parker perd la vue au Vietnam et est laissé pour mort sur le champ de bataille. Quelques années plus tard, il revient au pays pour rendre visite à Frank Devereaux, l'un de ses anciens compagnons d'armes. Ce dernier semble être sous la coupe d'une société mafieuse qui le force à fabriquer de la drogue en menaçant sa femme et son fils. Nick intervient pour sauver la vie du jeune homme et prend la fuite. S'en suit un engagement sans pitié qui contraindra Nick à faire appel à une arme secrète et à toute son acuité sensorielle dans la maîtrise du sabre.
Double Détente

Double Détente

Jun 17, 1988
Ivan Danko, un policier russe, est envoyé à Chicago pour ramener Rostavili, le trafiquant de drogue responsable de la mort de son coéquipier. Le criminel, tombé aux mains de la police américaine dès son arrivée, attend d’être extradé. Mais, durant le transfert, il s’échappe et Danko doit, par la force des choses, s’associer à la police locale pour retrouver le fugitif. Il fait équipe avec Art Ridzik, un policier bougon qui connaît Chicago sur le bout des doigts. Malgré toutes leurs différences, les deux hommes vont devoir se serrer les coudes pour récupérer le criminel et empêcher une transaction de drogue faramineuse.
Pale Rider, le cavalier solitaire
Les derniers chercheurs d'or indépendants de LaHood, bourgade minière de Californie, sont harcelés par la bande de Coy LaHood, fondateur de la ville qui veut s'approprier leur concession. Au moment où les mineurs pacifiques sont prêts à abandonner la lutte, surgit de la montagne un cavalier solitaire tout de noir vêtu. Nul ne connaît son nom, son passé, ses origines. Hull Barret, opposé depuis longtemps à Coy LaHood, l'accueille sous son toit. L'homme ne va pas tarder à prouver ses qualités de tireur.


Jun 27, 2007
Une guerre sans merci oppose depuis des temps immémoriaux deux races de robots extraterrestres : les Autobots et les cruels Decepticons. Son enjeu : la maîtrise de l'univers… Dans les premières années du 21ème siècle, le conflit s'étend à la Terre, et le jeune Sam Witwicky devient, à son insu, l'ultime espoir de l'humanité. Semblable à des milliers d'adolescents, Sam n'a connu que les soucis de son âge : le lycée, les amis, les voitures, les filles… Entraîné avec sa nouvelle copine, Mikaela, au cœur d'un mortel affrontement, il ne tardera pas à comprendre le sens de la devise de la famille Witwicky : "Sans sacrifice, point de victoire !"
Le Contrat

Le Contrat

Jun 06, 1986
Mark Kaminsky, ex-agent du FBI limogé pour brutalité, est désormais le shérif d'une petite ville de Caroline du Nord. Alors qu'il s'ennuie fermement dans cette petite vie sans incidents, il est contacté par son ancien chef, dont le fils a été abattu par des maffieux, pour reprendre du service. Kaminsky accepte dans l'espoir de ré-intégrer le FBI. Sa mission consiste à s'infiltrer dans le gang de maffieux pour le démanteler de l'intérieur et en exécuter tous ses membres dont le puissant Patrovina. La vendetta va s'accomplir dans un bain de sang...


Jun 03, 1983
En pleine guerre froide, un adolescent pirate sans le savoir le système informatique militaire américain géré par une intelligence artificielle qui se prend dangereusement au jeu d'une guerre thermonucléaire globale contre le bloc de l'Est...
Cover Me

Cover Me

Oct 09, 1995
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.


Oct 17, 1986
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Les Experts

Les Experts

Sep 09, 1992
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Sens unique

Sens unique

Aug 14, 1987
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
L'Epée sauvage

L'Epée sauvage

Apr 01, 1982
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Justice sauvage

Justice sauvage

Apr 12, 1991
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Dans la ligne de mire

Dans la ligne de mire

Jul 08, 1993
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
RoboCop 3

RoboCop 3

Jan 21, 1993
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Prisonniers du temps

Prisonniers du temps

Nov 26, 2003
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
La Dernière Cible

La Dernière Cible

Jul 13, 1988
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.


Oct 03, 1985
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Les Aventuriers de la quatrième dimension
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Un Tueur pour Cible

Un Tueur pour Cible

Feb 06, 1998
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Le Chacal

Le Chacal

Nov 14, 1997
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
La Coccinelle revient

La Coccinelle revient

Jun 22, 2005
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Airport 80 Concorde

Airport 80 Concorde

Aug 17, 1979
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Match en famille

Match en famille

May 13, 2005
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Piège en haute mer

Piège en haute mer

Oct 08, 1992
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.


Dec 17, 1999
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Atatürk - Father of the Turks
In the documentary, the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the last period of the Ottoman Empire, the War of Independence and the developments in the first years of the Republic of Turkey are told in parallel. The documentary prepared by Michael Adams consists of recordings made by the BBC in 1970 in Çanakkale, Samsun, Amasya, Sivas and Ankara, as well as historical footage.
Atatürk - Father of the Turks
In the documentary, the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the last period of the Ottoman Empire, the War of Independence and the developments in the first years of the Republic of Turkey are told in parallel. The documentary prepared by Michael Adams consists of recordings made by the BBC in 1970 in Çanakkale, Samsun, Amasya, Sivas and Ankara, as well as historical footage.
Amour & Amnésie

Amour & Amnésie

Feb 13, 2004
In the documentary, the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the last period of the Ottoman Empire, the War of Independence and the developments in the first years of the Republic of Turkey are told in parallel. The documentary prepared by Michael Adams consists of recordings made by the BBC in 1970 in Çanakkale, Samsun, Amasya, Sivas and Ankara, as well as historical footage.
Arrête-moi si tu peux
In the documentary, the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the last period of the Ottoman Empire, the War of Independence and the developments in the first years of the Republic of Turkey are told in parallel. The documentary prepared by Michael Adams consists of recordings made by the BBC in 1970 in Çanakkale, Samsun, Amasya, Sivas and Ankara, as well as historical footage.
Dark Moon Rising

Dark Moon Rising

Oct 10, 2009
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Sailor et Lula

Sailor et Lula

Aug 17, 1990
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
La Créature du cimetière
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Punch-Drunk Love

Punch-Drunk Love

Oct 11, 2002
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town


Sep 02, 1987
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town


Jun 03, 1983
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Chien de flic

Chien de flic

Apr 28, 1989
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Bad Santa

Bad Santa

Nov 26, 2003
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town